Pusat Pengajian Kejuruteraan Bahan dan Sumber Mineral - Monograf
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- PublicationA comparative study of different collectors in the flotation of rare earth mineral(2022-08-17)Muhamad Azman, Nadiah AdlinApplication of rare earth elements (REE) in various filed had caused the demand for REE-bearing minerals (REM) to spike in these recent years. Xenotime (YPO4), a source of yttrium (Y) is often sought for its high-temperature superconductors properties and also as an additive in alloys. Froth flotation as a fundamental method for processing complex minerals is commonly applied in the beneficiation of rare-earth-bearing minerals. This research program was designed to compare the effectiveness between two different collectors (octano-hydroxamic acid and sodium oleate) and its concentration on xenotime flotability. The froth flotation study is carried out using bench flotation equipment with the condition of pH 7 and at room temperature. Samples were also characterized using Particle Size Analysis (PSA), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). In the absence of depressant, octano-hydroxamic acid shows better selectivity in the flotation of xenotime than sodium oleate. On the other hand, sodium oleate produces better grade of xenotime with the presence of depressant. Increases in concentration will improve xenotime grade but at higher concentration it can be detrimental. Optimum concentration for xenotime flotation was found at 0.001M. Overall, the addition of sodium silicate as depressant can significantly increase xenotime grade and successfully depress silica and alumina. However, it shows no depressing power on hematite. The knowledge gained from this work will be beneficial in selecting appropriate collectors for xenotime recovery in the industry.
- PublicationA comparative study on the effect of chemical additives on clinker grinding(2022-08-01)Md Zan, Siti RohaidahThe aim of the present research work is to improve the clinker performance by using a laboratory-scale ball mill to generate a high-quality mineral binder in terms of particle size, particle shape, and crystallization of particle. The experiment has been carried out in dry conditions, with around 1 kg of cement clinker sample measured using a measuring cylinder was ground with 20 kg of the steel ball. Characterization was done to the feed samples by X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The grinding process were run without and with the addition of Triethanolamine (TEA) and two industrial grinding additives, MA. G. A/C379 and MA. G. A/C188 were employed in this experiment with dosages 0.05, 0.25, 0.50 and 1.00 wt.%. It was found that the addition of grinding aids with varied amounts of grinding aids has no significant influence on generating fine size cement powder, according to the graph of particle size distribution. Furthermore, the particles formed are elongated, cubic, angular, rhombus, flaky, and irregular grains shape and it has been demonstrated that there is no significant difference because the grain shape achieved before and after grinding is nearly identical. The particle crystallinity of the ground product is also not noticeably changed. To summarise, it was found that the optimum grinding additives that can be used are MA. G. A/C379and MA. G. A/C188.
- PublicationA correlation between impact strength index, slake durability index and uniaxial compressive strength of granite rocks at natm-4, Langat, Selangor(2012-06-01)Md Noh, Nor Arina SaadiahIn this study, the correlations of the three parameters of rocks were studied in relation to the construction of the Inter – State Raw Water Transfer (ISRWT) Project. Inter – State Raw Water Transfer (ISRWT) Project is designed to assist and convey raw water from the Semantan River through a transfer tunnel to the Selangor / Kuala Lumpur region for domestic and industrial uses to mitigate future water shortages since the water resources available within the Selangor / Kuala Lumpur. The study area was at NATM-4 Langat area. In order to study the mechanical properties of the granitic rocks and correlation between impact strength index, slake durability index and uniaxial compressive strength, rock samples were collected from 16 tunnel distances to conduct three tests which are impact strength test, slake durability test and uniaxial compressive strength test. During analysis, there are factors have been considered to the strength of rocks but the most consideration was on the weathering state. From the results obtained, the slightly weathered rocks resulted in high strength meanwhile the highly weathered rocks show significantly low strength when it subjected to high impact loading, slake durability and uniaxial compressive force. In the experimental studies, it is also noticed that the correlation between these three tests are directly proportional. The impact strength index, slake durability index and uniaxial compressive strength are directly proportional to each other. So, as a recommendation, to study the strength or rocks, the physical testing also required because it is closely related to the mechanical properties of the rocks.
- PublicationA novel waterborne coating based on styrene-acrylic copolymers for construction application(2022-08-01)Mohamad Rashid, Nor ShafikahThis study consists of 3 stages which reflected by three objectives. At the first stage, this study investigated the effect of agitation speed, types of surfactants, feeding time monomers and concentration of monomers, initiator, and buffer to obtain seed nanoparticles (~70nm). At the second stage, the different compositions of two monomers; n-Butyl Acrylate (BA) and Styrene (Sty) was studied to obtain the high stability of polymer and were synthesized by seeded emulsion polymerization. At the third stage, the PBA-Sty films were casted on glass plate at room temperature for 24hours and the corresponding of glass transition temperature (Tg) on mechanical properties of poly (n-butyl acrylate-co-styrene) (PBA-Sty) films were studied using Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and tensile measurements. The chemical composition of materials was analyzed using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR). The pH, Total Solid Content (TSC), Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS), Zeta potential were studied in determining the characterization of seed nanoparticles and the stability of Seed-core emulsion. The Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) showed S17 obtain the smallest particles size (66.53nm) by using non-ionic surfactant. The highest concentration of Styrene (Sty) (SC5) showed high polymer conversion, high glass transition temperature contributes to having high tensile strength of films by obtaining (48.06%), 24'C and (7.73Mpa) respectively this is due to the styrene provide the rigidity and high of hydrophobic chain which contribute to high conversion of polymer. while highest concentration of Butyl Acrylate (BA) (SC1) showed high elongation at break (680.83%) which function in supplying the flexibility of film. showed high elongation at break (680.83%) which function in supplying the flexibility of film.
- PublicationA study on the potential of tin recovery from iron ore tailing(2022-07-01)Johar, Muhammad Faris ZamirThe iron ore tailings sample was obtained from an iron processing plant in Bukit Kachi Mine, Kedah. The goal of this study is to characterise and process the tin in iron ore tailings. The method research has been divided into two parts: characterization and processing. The mode of occurrences, grain size, mineral distribution, and liberation analysis assessment were studied using an optical microscope, polarising microscope, and scanning electron microscope (SEM). X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and X-ray diffraction were used to determine the chemical composition of the sample (XRD). The Tin Fluorescence test was used to confirm the presence of tin in the concentrate using light colour spectrum. For the processing method, an iron ore tailings sample undergone comminution process for mineral liberation before gravity separation using the Mozley table. According to SEM analysis, mineral liberation began to give a liberated sign at a size fraction of (-1mm +0.5mm). According to the particle size distribution analysis, 50% of the samples have a size less than 1.1mm and 30% of the samples have a size greater than 1.1mm. According to the findings, the Mozley table separation can improve tin recovery from 0 percent Sn to 4.05% percent Sn. Tin Fluorescence testing revealed the presence of tin in concentrate samples, where the blue colour flame can clearly observe after the test tube dipped with the tin ion solution. In conclusion, tin minerals had been characterized and Mozley table still not suitable for tin recovery in iron ore tailing as the recovery is very low.
- PublicationAcid based accounting (aba) for acid mine drainage prediction(2022-08-19)Wu, Chuen LiIn these recent years, acid mine drainage becoming serious in Malaysia. For example, in Pahang, there are 3 abandoned mine site that is water bodies already acidic. This study is aimed to investigate the acid mine drainage potential and characterization of the gold mine tailing from Kelantan, Tanah Merah gold mine.The sample Vat leaching (VL) and Heap leaching (HL) tailing are analyzed for potential Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) production. The samples were inspected by visual observation, analyzed by X-ray Diffraction (XRD), X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) and Carbon Hydrogen Nitrogen sulfur analyzer (CHNS). For the static test, Acid Based Accounting (ABA) test and Net Acid Generation (NAG) with Paste Ph was done. From ABA, the result of Neutralizing Potential (NP) is obtained and subtracted with Acid Potential (AP) to get the value of Net Neutralizing Potential (NNP). The kinetic test is a batch reactor test. The finding of the project is VL, and HL samples are non-acid mine drainage production. The limitation of the project would be, for the determination of NAG, the temperature required is difficult to maintain at steady state for a long time, and in the determination of Neutralizing potential, using solely fizz rating to estimate required amount of HCl is not really satisfied. In future study regarding the gold tailing, study might can focus on doing on comparing result of the tailing samples with the different static test, to see how different method gives different values, and finding on reason that the solution of HL was red yellowish.
- PublicationAlkaline treatment of 3d printed ti-al-v alloy for bioactivity surface modificatio(2022-08-19)Mohd Azman, ‘Aisyah MardhiahTi6Al4V alloy has low bioactivity and surface treatment could improve its bioactivity. However, Ti6Al4V alloy manufactured by 3D printing has very fine microstructure compared to conventional manufacturing method.Thus, the aim of this work is to investigate the feasibility of modifying the surface of 3D printing Ti6Al4V alloy using NaOH alkaline treatment. . 3D printed Ti6Al4V alloy manufactured by 3D Gens Sdn Bhd in disc shape were soaked in 10M sodium hydroxide (NaOH) at 60ºC for 24hrs. Post heat treatment was applied to observe heating temperature affect upon the alkaline treated alloy at 200ºC, 400ºC, 600ºC and 800ºC. The X-Ray diffraction shows the presence of amorphous titanate layer after immersion in NaOH . The titanate was observed at 200ºC with the formation of rutile TiO2 after heat treatment at 800ºC. Morphology observation under Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM) and elemental analysis indicate the deposition of titanate layer when heat treated with high temperature. The bioactivity of sample alkaline-heat treated at 200°C was investigated through immersion in Hank’s solution for 7 days trace 0.34wt% of Ca on alloy surfaces. The surface roughness of the sample after heat treatment was analysed using AFM where sample treated with 800ºC exhibit the highest surface roughness and alkali-heat treated at 200ºC has the lowest surface roughness. The wettability of the sample was tested by recording the contact angle of the sample with droplet of ultrasonic water where sample after alkaline treatment has the lowest value indicating it has the highest hydrophilic properties. The findings suggests that lower temperature after alkaline soaking is required to prevent phase transformation of sodium titanate layer during the post heat treatment so that high sodium titanate layer can form higher appetite layer on the surface alloy.
- PublicationAlkaline treatment of 3D printed TI-AL-V alloy for bioactivity surface modification(2022-08-01)Mohd Azman, ‘Aisyah MardhiahTi6Al4V alloy has low bioactivity and surface treatment could improve its bioactivity. However, Ti6Al4V alloy manufactured by 3D printing has very fine microstructure compared to conventional manufacturing method.Thus, the aim of this work is to investigate the feasibility of modifying the surface of 3D printing Ti6Al4V alloy using NaOH alkaline treatment. . 3D printed Ti6Al4V alloy manufactured by 3D Gens Sdn Bhd in disc shape were soaked in 10M sodium hydroxide (NaOH) at 60ºC for 24hrs. Post heat treatment was applied to observe heating temperature affect upon the alkaline treated alloy at 200ºC, 400ºC, 600ºC and 800ºC. The X-Ray diffraction shows the presence of amorphous titanate layer after immersion in NaOH . The titanate was observed at 200ºC with the formation of rutile TiO2 after heat treatment at 800ºC. Morphology observation under Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM) and elemental analysis indicate the deposition of titanate layer when heat treated with high temperature. The bioactivity of sample alkaline-heat treated at 200°C was investigated through immersion in Hank’s solution for 7 days trace 0.34wt% of Ca on alloy surfaces. The surface roughness of the sample after heat treatment was analysed using AFM where sample treated with 800ºC exhibit the highest surface roughness and alkali-heat treated at 200ºC has the lowest surface roughness. The wettability of the sample was tested by recording the contact angle of the sample with droplet of ultrasonic water where sample after alkaline treatment has the lowest value indicating it has the highest hydrophilic properties. The findings suggests that lower temperature after alkaline soaking is required to prevent phase transformation of sodium titanate layer during the post heat treatment so that high sodium titanate layer can form higher appetite layer on the surface alloy.
- PublicationAluminium pollution in sediment of perai river, Penang(2022-08-01)Azlan Shah, Siti NuraqilahFor centuries, rivers provide various kinds of utilization components to humans. Development activities through discharge of effluents from different anthropogenic sources deteriorate the water quality and health aquatic ecosystem. The present study was conducted to determine the aluminium pollution in sediments of Perai river, Penang and its potential sources since there has been several news of irresponsible parties that dump their waste into the river. A total of 22 samples (11 samples for each month of February and April) is collected. Aluminium and other heavy metals were analyzed by using Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). It is found that aluminium concentrations are higher during dry season than wet season due to the water dilution during rainy seasons. The results will be more concrete if there are samples collected at the potential sources. These results are very crucial to understand the aluminium pollution in Perai river based on heavy metals and the effects towards human health and environment.
- PublicationAmmoniacal cyanide leaching of complex gold ore(2022-08-17)Merdan, Fathin AtiqaThe gold ore samples obtained in this study were exposed to ammonia cyanidation leaching at different levels of ammonia (NH3) and sodium cyanide (NaCN) reagents in gold and copper extractors. Mineral characterization of gold ore samples was carried out to identify mineral correlation, mineral composition, and mineral phase through XRD and XRF analysis. The 'bottle roll' test method is used to obtain basic information about the solubility of certain Au-bearing ores. The primary effects and interactions of NH3 and NaCN are shown in the ammonia cyanide system using a 'Full Factorial' experimental design. NH3 and NaCN concentrations have been statistically proven to be the main determinants affecting goldextractability. The amount of gold obtained from the fire test technique is 2.762 mg/L. The largest yield using the ammonia leaching technique to determine free gold in gold ore samples was 2.625 mg/L using 3000 ppm cyanide, and 1000 ppm ammonia. Therefore, it can be concluded that ammonia leaching solvent can increase the release of high gold particles with high consumption of cyanide and ammonia.
- PublicationApplication of feldspar filler on curing characteristics and physical properties of elastomeric materials(2022-08-19)Mohd Din, Shamin AidaCarbon black (CB) and silica are fillers that have been widely used worldwide in the tire industry. The use of feldspar in tire manufacturing is one alternative to conventional fillers due to its cost effectiveness and sustainability. In this work, a compound of styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) filled with carbon black (CB) and feldspar has been conducted to determine the ability of feldspar as a reinforcement filler in tire tread applications. This work has also involved investigating the effects of using different types of sulfur vulcanization systems such as conventional vulcanization systems (CV), efficient vulcanization systems (EV), and semi-efficient vulcanization systems (semi-EV) for both control and hybrid compounds. For the control compound, 40 parts per hundred rubber (pphr) of CB, Silica and Feldspar were used and for the hybrid compound, the ratio between CB and filler was 30:10, 20:20 and 10:30. Based on the results, the control compound from semi-EV system has shortscorch and cure time for the SBR-Feldspar compound. For the hybrid compound, SBR-CB-Feldspar with the high CB loading, 30 pphr has already improved the curing characteristics and physical properties of the elastomer material such as tensile strength, hardness, rebound resilience, and abrasion resistance. However, feldspar is still not on par with silica as a reinforcement filler. For hybrid filler systems with various types of elastomer materials, such as SMR-L, EPDM, NBR, and CR, the behavior of these rubbers is different in terms of curing characteristics and physical properties when compared to SBR compounds due to the original nature of the rubber involved. Feldspar may be considered as a semi-reinforcing filler and acts as anextender and softener in elastomer compounds.
- PublicationApplication of hallimond tube for flotability study of magnetite(2022-10-01)Zulkarnain, ‘Aainaa ShahirahThis project focused on studying the effect of varied parameters on recovery of magnetite. For example, pH, conditioning time, collector dosage, flotation time and maleic acid as a collector are the parameters that been study for. The optimum parameter, which gave the maximum recovery on each variable was determined. The experiment was conducted in a Hallimond tube by using sample of having 96.81% of iron oxide. Oleic acid and maleic acid were employed as collector. Based on the results obtained, it showed that oleic acid is the efficient collector for flotation of magnetite. Magnetite float better on the alkaline phase with pH of 11. Other than that, for best conditioning time, it showed that 8 minutes is the ideal time for flotation of magnetite. For the collector dosage, the results showed that the best dosage of collector was 300 g/t with maximum recovery. Furthermore, the flotation time of 8 min gave the maximum recovery of magnetite. Different collector was used which is maleic acid to investigate the performance and it showed that maleic acid has less recovery compared to oleic acid with the recovery of 39.63%.
- PublicationApplication of hallimond tube for the flotability study of pure scheelite(2022-08-01)Zamri, Nur HazwaniScheelite one of the sources for occurrence of tungsten, commonly coexists best in ore deposits with other gangue minerals such as calcite that have the same active Ca-atoms. The study of flotation was carried out via Hallimond Tube to separate scheelite from calcite. This project was implemented to investigate the floatability of pure scheelite via application of Hallimond Tube and to determine the effectiveness different types of collectors on mineral scheelite and other parameters to recover the scheelite. The mineral characterization process involved techniques such as polarised microscope, XRF and XRD. Type of collected that had been used were a mixture collector (oleic acid and naphthenic acid) and oleic acid collector. Next, the percentage recovery of scheelite were compared between both collectors. Based on the experiment’s result, percentage recovery of pure scheelite was discovered higher than 45%. in the conditioning time of 3 minutes for both collectors. At pH value of 9, the percentage recovery for oleic acid collector and mixture collector was the highest which were 50.72% and 52.40%. The percentage of recovery when using mixture collector as 44.98% while the percentage recovery of scheelite when using oleic acid only was 37.46% at two minutes of flotation. As the conclusion, the optimum parameter were three minutes for conditioning time, 2 minutes for flotation time and has pH value of 9. The recovery of pure scheelite was higher when using mixture collector compared to oleic acid collector only.
- PublicationApplication of unmanned aerial vehicle (uav) photogrammetry method for rock mass rating analysis of a rock slope(2022-08-19)Roslan, Nor Afiqah AdrianaRock mass characterization is the first step in defining rock mass quality and stability. There are many rock mass classification schemes which are frequently used for different purposes such as for estimation of strength and deformability of rock masses, stability of rock slopes and underground mining. Several techniques have been used in mapping the discontinuities of rock mass rating of a rock slope in this research such as manual mapping and UAV photogrammetry. The aim of this project is to study the geological properties of limestone rock, to analyse the rock mass properties of limestone rock using Rock Mass Rating (RMR) system and to compare the mapping method between the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and the conventional method. The software used in this project are Agisoft Metashape and Discontinuity Set Extractor (DSE). Next step is collection of data from case study area which then will proceed to the laboratory test such as point load test index. Based on the rock mass rating from manual mapping and point load strength index, this limestone is classified as “good rock”. From the mapping method between manual mapping and DSE analysis it shows that UAV mapping validated to manual mapping. However, the advantages using the UAV photogrammetry was able to obtain high precision of image of the discontinuity on slopes that are difficult to access on foot and managed to get more than four (4) joint sets which cannot obtain by manual mapping.
- PublicationAssesstment of water quality around pengkalan hulu, Perak(2022-07-01)Mohamad, Ikmal Nor HaikalNumerous elements, including the hydro geochemistry of the study region and anthropogenic activity, have an impact on the water quality in Sungai Pengkalan Hulu,Perak. This study recommends that the anthropogenic activities within Pengkalan Hulu area be monitored as the urbanizations are rapidly taking place and the effects are polluting the water. The purpose of this study was to assess the relationship between the water quality index and the physicochemical parameters (BOD, COD, TSS, ammonia nitrogen, pH, temperature change,and DO) in the surface water of Pengkalan Hulu, Perak. ICP-OES is used to measurethe content of heavy metals on the water's surface and WQI) water by the Ministry ofHealth. Additionally, in order to see thespatial distribution of the researched parameters and observe the pattern of change inthis value as a function of the colourspace, ArcGIS software was employed in thisstudy.Ten separate sites were used for sampling, and sampling was twice. The data are compared to the MOH and the Water Quality Index (WQI) raw water standards. These parameters are separated into two groups, namely in situ measurements and laboratory measurements. The Pengkalan Hulu river at all stations is considered slightly polluted, except for stations 1 and 2, which are considered clean, based on pH concentration,temperature, dissolvable oxygen (DO), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), ammoniacal nitrogen (NH-3N), and total suspended solids (TSS). According to ICP-OES data, arsenic (As) and cadmium (Cd) contents are extremely low, falling below the value of 0.001 mg/L. The value of other heavy metals, such as copper (Cu) and lead (Pb), varies depending on the station. Thus, it can be concluded that contaminationof surface water in Pengkalan Hulu is not just because of the economic activities such as mining industries and logging activities but also due to its mineralization factor.
- PublicationBarmac manufactured fine aggregates as sand replacement in concrete(2009-05-01)Chiew, Soon MewManufactured sand is the best alternative material to replace natural sand in concrete making. The study found that the quality of manufactured sand produced from quarry dust was improved after crushed in Barmac VSI Crusher with different of rotor speed and was suitable to used in concrete. The study involves Yen Bumi quarry dust and natural sand as comparison. The control variable was rotor speeds of 40 Hz, 50 Hz and 60 Hz with 0% cascade flow ratio and feed rate 18.73 t/h. Concrete that been produced using crushed product had achieved high compressive strength with 50.83 N/mm2 after 28 days. The quality of products was analyzed through particle size, particle shape, silt content test, clay content test, void content test and flow cone test. The lowest void content percentage was showed at product of rotor speed 60 Hz with 45.80% for flow cone test whereas 44.29% and 38.18% for uncompacted and compacted void content test at rotor speed of 50 Hz. The lowest flow time recorded was 27 seconds. The highest silt content in the products was 14.71% which still below acceptable limit. The particle shape produced was nearly rounded and uniform in shape for product of rotor speed of 50 Hz. The result obtained from the analysis showed that product produced by Barmace VSI Crusher had improved and will produced better quality of concrete compare to natural sand. As a conclusion, manufactured sand with produced by using suitable process and cost adjustment able to replace natural sand in concrete making industries.
- PublicationBio-based oil as a new rubber processing oil in development of green & sustainable tire tread compound(2022-08-16)Din, Muhamad Nur Iman SyafaatThe usage of processing oil in the tire industry is a common practice. The aim for this study is to produce bio-based processing oil that can lead to green and sustainable tire tread compound. Then the mechanical properties of the different compound consist of EPO and GT 3000 processing were compared, correspondingly. The process of synthesis palm oil lead to ring opening. The greater the number of epoxy rings that are opened as a result of the procedure, the greater the potential for crosslinking. Bio-based processing then being used in the compounding process to investigate the mechanical properties along with the rubber compound using mineral processing oil (hydrocarbon oil). The rubber compound were freeze for 24 hours before vulcanization process in order to let the rubber compound have chain relaxation. The usage of bio-based processing oil at low quantity refer as Part Per Hundred Rubber (PHR/PPHR) gives the high mechanical properties as the mineral processing oil (hydrocarbon oil) need to have higher phr amount to get the same value. In terms of tensile strength, sample 1 (EPO 5%) has the greatest value, which is 15.51 MPa, while sample 4 (GT 3000 5%) only has 13.17 MPa despite the fact that they both have the same phr loading. The exact same pattern could also be observed in the tear strength test that was carried out. The elongation at break value was found to be significantly different for samples 3 (EPO 13%) and 6 (GT 3000 13%), respectively. This is because of the plasticizer effect that the rubber processing oil has on the rubber compound, which becomes more noticeable as more rubber processing oil is loaded into the rubber compound. The elongation at break value was found to be 649.45% for sample 3 (EPO 13%) and 636.07% for sample 6 (GT 3000 13%).
- PublicationBioactivity improvement of 45s5 bioglass through calcium coating(2022-08-01)Mahadi, Nurul Amirah4555 bioactive glass (BG) has been utilized in clinical applications, especially in bone regeneration. However, BG has limited bioactivity that restricts its use in live tissue. Calcium treatment is used to promote the formation of the HA layer hence boost the bioactivity of the BG. The bioactivity was studied by varying the type of calcium salt which is calcium acetate, nitrate and chloride. BG 45S5, having mole percentages (mol%) of 45% SiO2, 24.5% CaO, 24.5% Na2O, and 6% P2O5, was synthesized via a melt-derived method. Batching, mixing, melting at 1400 °C, water quenching, grinding, sieving, pressing, and sintering were all part of the BG preparations. The BG were treated with calcium salt then subjected to simulated body fluid incubation to determine bioactivity for hydroxyl carbonate apatite (HCA) layer development, which was followed by characterisations. Calcium acetate treated BG 45S5 had functional groups of P-O and C-O bonds, which contributed to the development of HCA layers. The pH value was determined by analyzing SBF after each immersion period. Calcium acetate treated showed thegrowth of the HCA layer on the surface as the pH value almost constant for 7 days of immersion among other calcium salts. The weight loss measurement also indicate that BG that treated with calcium acetate has the significant weight loss that shows bioglass dissolution followed by calcium chloride and calcium nitrate. It shows the effectiveness of soluble ion dissociation into the SBF solution.
- PublicationCharacteristic and potential of perlis carbonate rock in the downstream industries(2022-08-01)Abd Rahim, Muhammad AnwarCarbonate rocks from Chuping, Perlis, Malaysia was analysed for their prospective application in the downstream industries such as glass, cement, agriculture, construction, and steelmaking. The composition chemical examinations of carbonate rocks reveal that greater than 90 percent of the rocks' composition is calcium oxide (CaO), indicating that the composition carbonate in rock is high. The sample are also being studied with hydrochloric acid (HCL) to detect the surface reactivity. The point load test is also performed to measure the sample's strength. To determine the influence of the calcination procedure on the characteristics of sample, the sample was calcined. The investigations of X-ray diffraction and Fourier-transform infrared spectra revealed that heat treatment of sample significantly contributed to the elimination of the CaCO3 phase, resulting in the formation of the CaO form. The scanning electron microscopy microphotographs of sample revealed that the calcination process drastically altered the morphological features, resulting in the production of a highly porous surface with minute spherical particles. The decrepitating and reactivity tests revealed the industrial grade of the rock. Based on its favourable physical qualities, the results indicated that Perlis rock has significant potential for use in a variety of downstream sectors.
- PublicationCharacteristic of silica sand from Kuantan, Pahang(2022-08-01)Azizan, Muhammad Ikhram HakimThe purpose of this research is to characterize silica sand sample and to recover the valuable minerals found in silica samples obtained from YP Mining Sdn. Bhd. The sample are taken at two different spot at different depth which are 1 to 4 meter depth. There are four method of characterization were implemented in this research such as Particle Size Distribution, X-ray Fluorescence (XRF), Micro X-ray Fluorescence, Microscopic Study(SEM/EDX). From this study, silica (SiO2), R]rutile (TiO2), corundum(Al2O3), and hematite (Fe2O3) were found in silica sand in Kuantan, Pahang. The size of the sample that was chosen for this research is the ranges from 2.8 mm to less than 0.053 mm. As the result, from composition analysis, the composition of Silica at spot A is higher compare to spot B. Therefore, grade at spot A is higher compare to spot B. At spot A contain less of corundum and rutile. However, the grade does not effect the research because the main objective of this research was know the size distribution of silica sand at different level and analyze the mineralogy of the bulk samples taken from YP Mining Sdn Bhd, Pahang.