Pusat Pengajian Pendidikan Jarak Jauh - Tesis
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- PublicationCerpen-Cerpen Terpilih Rejab F.I. Dalam Perspektif Teori Pengkaedahan Melayu(2022-01)Osman Bin AyobTujuan kajian ini adalah untuk menganalisis elemen moral, dakwah dan kemasyarakatan yang terdapat dalam cerpen-cerpen terpilih karya Rejab F.I.
- PublicationHubungan Tributari China-Melaka Zaman Dinasti Ming Dari Tahun 1400 Hingga 1511(2022-01)Tan Hock ChuanPembukaan Melaka pada tahun 1400 oleh Parameswara menjadikan Melaka muncul sebagai sebuah kawasan yang paling bernilai kepada China. Lantas, Maharaja Yong-le mengutuskan Yin Qing ke Melaka menjalin hubungan luar China melalui sistem tributari. Maharaja Yong-le merupakan maharaja Dinasti Ming teragung dalam pelaksanaan sistem tributari China. Manakala Laksamana Zheng He melalui tujuh ekspedisi ke Lautan Barat (1405-1433) telah berjaya membawa sistem tributari China ke peringkat kemuncak. Dengan terjalin hubungan tersebut bermulalah episod sejarah hubungan Melaka-China selama 111 tahun. Justeru, kajian ini meninjau sejauh mana hubungan tributari China era Dinasti Ming dengan Melaka diamalkan, bukan sahaja dari aspek politik malah meninjau juga dari aspek sosio budaya. Dapatan kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa hubungan tributari tersebut telah membantu Melaka muncul sebagai sebuah pusat perdagangan antarabangsa pada abad ke-15. Selanjutnya, hubungan tributari tersebut juga berasosiasi dengan aspek-aspek sosial budaya seperti terbitnya kamus China-Melayu yang terawal Manlajia Guoyu Yi (Senarai Melayu Melaka), kewujudan masyarakat Baba dan Nyonya serta pengaruh China dalam seni bina di Melaka. Dalam pada itu, kajian ini banyak memanfaatkan sumber-sumber primer khususnya Ming Shilu (Rekod Rasmi Sejarah Dinasti Ming) untuk mengetengahkan fakta-fakta sejarah yang masih belum diterokai oleh pengkaji terdahulu. Tuntasnya, kajian ini sangat signifikant kerana penulisan ini cuba menolak pandangan klise yang dikemukakan oleh sarjana-sarjana Barat bahawa hubungan tributari China adalah satu bentuk penjajah tradisional yang dikenali sebagai proto-colonialism.
- PublicationKetuhanan Dalam Puisi-puisi Abizai Dari Perspektif Teori Takmilah(2022-06)Yan, HelmiAbizai (Zainal Abidin Hj Suhaili) is a Sarawakian writer who is associated with Islamic poetry writing. Abizai often expresses spiritual theme and arty language in his works. This study intends to explore divinity aspects, identify preaching elements, and analyse the aesthetics in his poems. Research methodology that is used here is content analysis. Seven poem collections that were studied are Seekor Kelawar di Kamar Pengantin, Mengenal yang Asal, Membentuk Elok di Teluk Esok, Sang Kelawar Kesiangan, Sinar Benar, Merdeka Burung and Kitab Rahsia. Takmilah theory that was proposed by Shafie Abu Bakar is adopted to analyse the poem collections. The principles in Takmilah theory that were chosen for this study are the principle that Divine is kamal (perfect), the principle that the audience are edified to be insan kamil (perfect beings) and the principle that literature is aesthetic and takmilah (complete and complementary). Findings show the principle that Divine is kamal, through the use of divinity theme is clearly shown as repository of oneness in Abizai's poems. Piety and obedience become the way of encouraging the audience to have faith in the existence of Allah SWT through His creation. Based on the principle that edified the audience to be insan kamil, describing the poet personality as someone that is prone towards divine and spiritual theme made Abizai's works as a medium to preach and nurture insan kamil in terms of moral and implementation of Islamic law.
- PublicationMathematical Modelling Of Steady Bödewadt Flow And Heat Transfer In Nanofluid And Hybrid Nanofluid Over A Permeable And Radially Stretching Disk(2023-01)Mahyuddin, Anis AnisahThis thesis studies the flow and heat transfer characteristics of steady Bödewadt flow in nanofluid and hybrid nanofluid with the presence of suction on the radial stretching permeable disk. Bödewadt flow is a rotating flow that is induced by a rotating source that is placed far away from the bottom disk. In this study, the role of nanofluid in heat transfer enhancement are theoretically investigated. The nanoparticles that considered in this study are copper, silver, and aluminium oxide while the base fluid is water. By using the similarity variables, the governing partial differential equations are reduced to nonlinear ordinary differential equation which are then numerically solved using the Keller’s Box method. Adequate amount of suction was needed for the similarity solution of heat transfer equation to exist in the case of stagnant disk. The presence of suction and stretching disk caused the momentum and thermal boundary layer thickness to reduce. Both nanofluid and hybrid nanofluid helps in increasing the local skin friction coefficient and local Nusselt number better than viscous fluid. However, the heat transfer enhancement occurs only when volume fraction of nanoparticle is sufficiently small due to the presence of suction. The presence of the second nanoparticles in hybrid nanofluid showed that the heat transfer enhancement is better compared to nanofluid. Same as the case of nanofluid, sufficiently amount of suction and stretching disk need to be applied in order to enhance the heat transfer rate.
- PublicationThe Influence Of Interaction On Student Satisfaction Via Flow Experience Among Distance Learners(2023-09)Kassim, Siti Fatimah MohdLifelong learning has been recognized as a global priority for addressing the many challenges of sustainability in the Malaysia Education Blueprint 2015 - 2025. Correspondingly, in an online setting, learners have fewer possibilities to interact with higher education institutions. Despite several studies on interactions, flow, and student satisfaction, it is relevant to Western countries and traditional students. The study aims to investigate the impact of interactions (learner-content, learner- instructor, and learner-learner) on student satisfaction among distance learners in Malaysia. The research framework in this study is based on the transactional distance theory proposed by Moore (1989). To test the proposed hypotheses, data was collected through the self-administered questionnaire tool, Survey Monkey. The study sample consisted of 270 respondents that conform to the inclusion criteria, and SPSS was used to analyze the hypotheses. This study found a favorable and substantial association between flow experience and student satisfaction. Meanwhile, the hypotheses' results show that learner-content, learner-instructor, and learner- learner interaction each have a positive impact on student satisfaction. Finally, the further three hypotheses tested did not indicate that learner-content interaction, learner-instructor interaction, and learner-learner interaction have a significant impact on flow experience. Several theoretical and practical implications of the study are explored based on the study's findings, methodologies, and results. Suggestions for future research are also offered.