Pusat Pengajian Kejuruteraan Mekanikal - Tesis
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- PublicationDesign and implementation of six rotors unmanned aerial vehicle(2010-04-01)Mohamed Aziyen, Mohamed AfiqueThe control of a helicopter is complex, and includes the interaction of forces and the balancing of them. Although a stable condition can be achieved with sophisticated control system, good mechanical design can reduce the problem of instability of a helicopter. One of the designs is the coaxial types of blade system. Nevertheless, a good control system is still needed since a helicopter control involves many parameters. PIC16F876A microcontroller has been used to measured the input from sensor, do the calculation and control the actuators). In this project, ultrasonic sensor is used to control the height of the helicopter. The force that been produce by the helicopter must be the same to make sure that the helicopter is stable.
- PublicationDevelopment and documentation on use of completely randomised design(2010-04-01)Hamid, ZulkharnainThis project presents the development and documentation of actual engineering examples on the use of the Completely Randomized Design (CRD) in PPKEE. The examples involve a single factor experiment that uses the analysis of variance (ANOVA) technique to analyze the data. Basically the project is to understand the single factor analysis on use of the Completely Randomised Design. The other objective of this project are to search the actual use completely Randomized Design final year students of EE School. After searching, the actual examples of potential use of the Completely Randomised Design are developed based on type of research conducted by the EE students. Minitab is using to analysis the data from the previous final year report. There are a two phase in this project are literature review and develop the examples. The parts reviews and searching of the examples involve the three major courses in school of electrical engineering which is Electrical, Electronic and Mechatronic engineering. From the review of the previous final year report, three examples are developed in the project. The evaluation form was designed to get a feedback from engineering student regarding the examples that have been given. From the analysis of the evaluation form, the performance of the examples were developed are at a good level.
- PublicationDevelopment of finger-based computer mouse by using wiimote(2009-04-01)Lee, Wee ChuenThis report presents the project of finger-based computer mouse by using a game controller of Nintendo Wii, Wiimote. This project is focusing on developing an alternative computer mouse which is cost-effective, real-time application, user-friendly and can be used at a further distance from computer. It consists of a hardware setup for sending infrared (IR) light to Wiimote and a Graphical User Interface (GUI) that is built by using Microsoft Visual C++. A C++ library, “WiiYourself!”, is being used to obtain three IR dots’ coordinates from Wiimote, which are implemented for computer mouse’s functions. From the experiment, it is found that the user can successfully move the mouse pointer and perform clicking at a maximum distance about 2 meters away from Wiimote, which is good for presentation. The main drawback is the batteries of the glove with IR LED need to be changed after four hours of usage as its voltage dropped to a level that would worsen its performance. Besides, as the user used this system for long time, the users hand started to be uncomfortable. At this moment, the user can successfully move and perform clicking just like a conventional computer mouse with some limitations.
- PublicationFpga based iris detection and recognition system(2010-03-01)Lee, Hoon HoonIris detection and recognition is widely applied in areas that require high security requirements. The iris can be used as a living passport in national border control system or applied as a living password, birth certificates, driving licenses, credit card authentication and enforcing internet security where controlled access to certain web pages is necessary. Iris recognition is considered as one of the ideal biometric recognition component. This project basically explains the iris recognition system implemented using Digital Camera and Multimedia Development Platform consisting of the Altera DE2-70 board, 4.3” LCD Touch Panel Kit(LTM), 5 Mega Pixel Digital Camera Module(D5M). This project involves finding out the best way to capture the best iris image taking the lighting condition and the object distance into consideration. The hardware control of the camera, display panel and DE2-70 board is written in verilog codes. Then, image pre-processing is performed followed by extracting the iris portion of the eye image. The extracted iris part is then normalized, and iris code is constructed using cumulative-sum method. Finally two iris codes are compared to find the Hamming Distance, which is a fractional measure of the dissimilarity.
- PublicationGripper design of an underwater manipulator(2010-04-01)Ooi, Yuh ShengGripper is an important part of a manipulator. Emulating the motion of a human hand is deemed to be challenging. This project proposes a same-sized and light-weight robotic hand designed and concerned with the feasibility of using control system to control 5 fingers robot hand. The mechanics of five-fingered robot hand is designed in way to mimic the human hand. Each finger of the robot hand has 1 degree of freedom which is actuated by only 1 servomotor and almost acts like a human finger. The function of tactile sensor is to provide the feedback signal to the microcontroller when the gripper holds an object. The Servo Motor chain drive is used to drive the sector of each robot hand’s finger. Furthermore, the servo motor can only provide a low torque for the finger, so the robot hand can only generate a suitable force for each finger. All the behavior and movement of the robot are processed by an FPGA. With further research and development, the robot hand can be used to implement in humanoid robot.
- PublicationIdentifying harmful pollutants from conventional energy system(2000-01-01)Projek ini adalah mengenai mengenalpasti bahan tercemar yang berbahaya yang terhasil dari sistem kuasa yang menggunakan jenis bahan api dan prinsip kerja yang berlainan. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah mengenalpasti tahap pencemaran bahan yang terhasil dan semua parameter yang berkaitan menghasilkan bahan tercemar tersebut. Projek ini juga akan mengupas bagaimana jenis bahan api yang berlainan dalam sistem kuasa lazim akan memberi kesan kepada tahap pencemaran yang terhasil. Rangka projek ini ialah berdasarkan pencemaran yang terhasil dari stesen janakuasa yang menggunakan tiga jenis bahan api yang berbeza iaitu arang batu, minyak dan gas. Daripada stesen janakuasa yang berbeza, jenis bahan tercemar yang terhasil dari stesen janakuasa akan dikaji dan kaedah untuk mengawal tahap pencemaran akan dikupas. Semua parameter yang berkaitan dengan penghasilan bahan tercemar akan dikaji dan mencari alternatif untuk mengawal dan mengurangkan tahap pencemaran tanpa memberi kesan kepada kuasa yang akan dihasilkan oleh stesen janakuasa tersebut. Metodology bagi projek ini ialah dengan mendapatkan data dari setiap stesen janakuasa yang dipilih, mengkaji data, banding dan mengaitkan data yang diperolehi dengan teori. Projek ini juga akan melihat kepada aspek kerja rekabentuk bagi setiap stesen janakuasa bagi mencadangkan satu rekabentuk rujukan untuk stesen janakuasa yang akan menghasilkan tahap pencemaran yang rendah. Semasa proses tersebut, satu perhubungan relatif diantara jenis bahan api dalam sistem kuasa dan jenis bahan tercemar yang dihasilkan oleh stesen janakuasa. Pada akhir projek, apa yang diharapkan agar tercapai ialah satu rujukan rekabentuk bagi stesen janakuasa yang menggunakan sumber lazim dan menghasilkan pencemaran pada tahap rendah.
- PublicationMampatan beban paksi keatas tiub segienam(2000-01-01)Azam, Mohd AzizulPengujian hentaman untuk rekabentuk sesebuah kenderaan secara tradisional adalah berdasarkan ujian pemusnahan prototaip. Oleh itu pakar-pakar dalam bidang unsur terhingga (finite element) telah membangunkan sofwer yang dapat membantu jurutera merekabentuk dengan lebih effisien dan juga mendapatkan maklumat tentang sistem serapan tenaga pada tiub yang di uji. Antara sofwer yang di bangunkan adalah DYNA-3D, ABAQUS, I-DEAS dan lain-lain. Rekabentuk sesuatu komponen yang berupaya menahan hentaman secara menegak atau melintang memerlukan pengetahuan dan pemahaman dalam bidang struktur dinamik dan juga ciri-siri mekanisme perubahan setiap bahan atau komponen yang diperlukan. Kebanyakan aplikasi terkini yang melibatkan hentaman serapan tenaga tertumpu kepada sifat sesuatu struktur atau komponen logam yang mana mekanisme pelepasan tenaga utama melibatkan perubahan plastik, patah atau koyakan pada logam. Kajian ini melibatkan perbincangan mengenai suatu tiub segienam berdinding nipis yang dikenakan mampatan secara menegak. Perubahan lengkokan secara menegak ini akan menumpukan bagaimana untuk menentukan beban purata operasi (mean operating load) dan had-had kemampuan serapan tenaga dapat diperolehi. Seterusnya ramalan mengenai kekuatan hentaman untuk tiub berdinding nipis ini adalah berdasarkan mekanisme lipatan yang berlaku. Terdapat dua jenis lipatan yang biasanya berlaku iaitu perubahan mod secara quasi-inextensional dan extensional seperti yang dinyatakan oleh Wierzbicki dan Abramowicz(1983).
- PublicationMini autonomous surface vehicle: swarming tools(2010-04-01)Kok, Chee HouThe use of Autonomous Surface Vehicles (ASVs) for oceanographic purposes, such as water depth measurement, locating submerged objects, obtaining samples of bioluminescent organisms and other purposes has been developing recently. Eight ASVs have been fabricated under an ongoing research. They are all equipped with Global Positioning System (GPS), digital compass, depth and temperature transducer, servo motor, water thrusters, RF transceiver, modem and controller. The objective of this project is to enable the swarm of mini ASVs to move about the navigation area and to intelligently perform a certain given task by implementing swarm intelligence on them with the mentioned equipments. In implementing the swarm intelligence, the optimal navigation path searching of the Drosophila or fruit fly is utilized. Besides that, Lévy flight algorithm is also used together with boundary and region recognition to generate random GPS positions for the ASVs. However, the accuracy and the sensitivity of the GPS receiver are low. Hence, to overcome this, area target is used instead of the point target. As a conclusion, the simulation of the path planning for each ASV has been successfully developed based upon real coordinates by using MATLAB programming.
- PublicationModelling and simulation of a robot manipulator using matlab/simulink and simmechanics(2010-04-01)Tan, Chee WayIndustrial robot is now one of the most flexible tools today. An industrial robot is comprised of a robot manipulator, power supply, and controllers. The purpose of the thesis is to simulate and analyze a robot manipulator by using CAD software solidwork 2009 and Matlab R2009a. Generally, the first process will be setup the model by drawing a robot manipulator using Solidworks software. After drawing the model, the model is imported from Solidworks to Matlab through SimMechanics link and SimMechanics model is automatically generated by Matlab. For simulating the robot maninpulator, motions of joint in SimMechanics block diagram part is controlling by Simulink block diagram part. Several inputs such as angular displacement, angular position and angular acceleration may set using Graphic User Interface (GUI) for controlling the robot manipulator. The characteristic studies here are the kinematic analysis and dynamic analysis of the manipulator using Simulink and SimMechanic. Program is written on M-file for analyzing forward and inverse kinematic and also interfacing the input from GUI to the Simulink model. For dynamic analysis, torque graph is generated when acceleration value is imported from GUI. Generally, kinematic simulations assists in evaluate form, whereas dynamic simulations assists in analyzing function. Finally, several simulations are performed. As a conclusion, this project is well success and the objective has been achieved.
- PublicationModelling and simulation of array microneedle by consideration of insertion mechanism of mosquito’s proboscis(2010-03-01)Mat Nawi, Mohd NorzaidiThe objective of this project is to design and simulate a microneedle by using Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) software. It presents the analysis for the in-plane silicon microneedles that can be used for blood sampling for biomedical applications. The characteristics of in-plane microneedles are far more reliable than out-of-plane microneedles for blood sampling. In this project, in-plane microneedle was designed by using CoventorWare. From the process until two dimension layout (2D) and also three dimension (3D). For verification, a 3-D model was built, meshed and simulated using the Analyzer solvers. Several needle dimensions were investigated, and the microneedle shape was optimized using mechanical strength analysis. A 3mm long microneedle was used for this project. The strength of the microneedles has been examined analytically and modeled using finite element modelling tools. In addition, fluid also has been examined analytically and modelled using finite volume method tools. For this purposes, 20μm diameter of microchannel was used. Then, by imitating the mosquito’s proboscis, the combined microneedles comprising a central straight needle and two outer jagged needles have been already proposed, and the effectiveness of these needles for easy insertion was investigated by theory.
- PublicationModelling and simulation of rf mems switch(2010-04-01)Hamzah, Mohd IzahamuddinA radio-frequency micro-electro-mechanical systems (RF MEMS) switch with bistable states based on electromagnetic actuation is presented. The switch has two stable positions due to the adoption of the permanent magnet, which will lead to a lower power consumption of the device. With electromagnetic actuation arising from the planar coils, the cantilever beam can switch from one stable position to the other. The design of the switch is simulated by coventorware software. A current pulse with amplitude of 50 mA is needed for the fabricated switches switching between two stable states that is in good agreement with simulation and the switching time is only approximately 20μs. The insertion loss is -0.11dB and the isolation are -43dB at 3 GHz. 3GHz is frequency for Radio frequency. Basically radio frequency is within 3 kHz to 300 GHz. 3GHz is the maximum frequency for the micro size of RF MEMS switch device.
- PublicationMri brain image segmentation(2010-04-01)Chiah, Hock ChuanIn the research on magnetic resonance (MR) brain image, there are a lot of researchers using various segmentation techniques ranging from simple image segmentation technique to complex image segmentation technique in order to extract the tissues of research interest. The complex technique such as clustering, Markov Random Field (MRF) and deformable model are usually being used. The calculation of tissues volume will help recognize diseases. Recently, the support vector machine (SVM) has been widely used in pattern recognition application. It serves as a good generalization and classifier tool. SVM is one of the supervised learning techniques of neural network. There has not been much research using the SVM in image processing field especially when it comes to the MR brain images. This project presents SVM image segmentation method on magnetic resonance image of brain to segment the White Matter (WM), Gray Matter (GM) and Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF). Firstly, a fast and robust algorithm also has been developed to strip the skull out of the MR brain image. This is an important pre-processing step. The algorithm involves combination of morphology and image segmentation techniques. Next, the SVM will be used to classify the skull stripped MR image into three types of tissues: WM, GM and CSF. This project takes a set of MR brain images of 3 different patients. From the outcome of this project, the SVM has been proven to be a good segmentation tool in MRI brain image segmentation.
- PublicationMulti terrain vehicle navigation using gps(2010-04-01)Basri, Muhammad HazriThis project involves driving a vehicle using signals Determinants Global Positioning System receiver or (GPS) to the desired destination point. Vehicles moving on the land and road. GPS will be used for robot localization. Robot will be equipped with a GPS receiver and microcontroller of which is used as the main operator for each input and output of this vehicle, an 8-bit micro controller is enough to perform a given task in this project and would do more tasks depending on the application required. Projects usually include some combination of low cost sensors based on MEMS technology (Micro Electro Mechanical System) such as compass. The mobile vehicle will be supported by various affordable-cost sensor such as ultrasonics sensor for any obstacle detection and avoidance. To improve the efficiency and orientation, compass module is added as additional sensors and GPS to help get the better position. GPS sensor interacts with microcontroller to let it know the current position and direction of the next. By using three-point (initial position, the location of 10 meters or 15 meters depending on the weather from the starting point and destination point), vehicle will turn towards the destination. It also continues to make this calculation on every 10 meters (assuming clear skies, otherwise every 15 meter). Since vehicle is using Servo motors, it has very accurate turning angles. When the vehicle reaches the end-point, it will stop. The system will be design as a prototype for small multi terrain vehicle and it can be implemented into larger vehicle in the future.
- PublicationMulti-species flocking analysis(2010-04-01)Tobri, Ahmad SyahirThe flocking behaviour is useful to investigate the multi agent on the formation control. Flock is used by bird to act as group of flying bird on the air. As they fly together the form random number of group. When it come to other species that want to join the flock, there is only a few bird or all of them. To simulate this, the essence of flocking important and the multispecies attraction was been proposed to help the investigation. The software used in this project to help in the simulation is NetLogo 4.0.3. The individual agent must past the three steering behaviour in order to form a flocking and also try to attract other species by multispecies attraction strength. More strong the attractions more stable the connection to other agent. The step by step approach on methodology is used. Learn the basis of the NetLogo software then implement the flocking algorithm in it. This help to conclude that the multispecies attraction can be range according to desired strength of attraction.
- PublicationPath formation using b.a.t.m.a.n. approach in robot swarms(2010-04-01)Bakri, Mohd AjmalSwarm robotics is a popular field in robotic intelligence that focuses on controlling large number of multi-agent system. In this thesis I present the path formation in robot swarms and with B.A.T.M.A.N approach which is the improvement and better approach of Mobile Ad Hoc Networking. The objective is to create a simulation of path formation by multiple agents in an arena. And at the same time to apply the B.A.T.M.A.N approach in terms of their communications among the agents. Two parameters are tested in this project. They are the number of agents and their sensing range with respect to the efficiency of path formation. The hardest part is to make the agents connect a path from one point to another point while moving randomly in the arena. The first step is to study relevant topics regarding the path formation in robot swarms and also about the Ad Hoc Networking. The next step is to apply those theory and approach into a simulation in a software called NetLogo 4.0.4. However, before actually constructing the model design, the basic command and interface of the software must be learned. The outcome of this project has proven the hypothesis. The path formation is correctly done and the parameters that are affecting the efficiency of path formation are proven.
- PublicationStudy on the characteristics of ballastic black coated on solar evacuated tubes – determination of efficiency factor for varying solar insolations(2006-03-01)Tan, Chin CheangThe important characteristics of Ballastic Black when mixing with Thinner was identify from this research. Volume percentage method is one criterion to mix the Ballastic Black and Thinner. The relevant properties are useful to estimate the efficiency of the solar evacuated tube. The thin film thickness is relevant to the percentage of the Ballastic Black. Besides, the surface roughness of each sample was measure by machine Surftest Mitutoya SV400 and the surface distribution is test by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The absorptance and transmittance of different percentages of Ballastic Black and Thinner was test by hit with different wavelength. Efficiencies of solar useful heat gain can calculate by TRNSYS, SPF Report and Theoretical method. Transmittance-absorptance product (ta) was calculated by multiply the transmittance ratio of the uncoated sample into the absorptance ratio of the coated sample. This transmittance-absorptance product is important to calculate the collector thermal efficiency and the useful heat gain.