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- PublicationBrain tumor segmentation with mri images(2023-08)This thesis addresses the critical issue of brain tumor segmentation in 3D magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, aiming to enhance early detection and diagnosis for improved patient outcomes. Brain tumors, among the most serious and life-threatening types, necessitate accurate identification and treatment planning. However, manual human-assisted classification from a vast number of MRI scans is time-consuming and error-prone, underscoring the need for automated segmentation methods. The study adopts deep learning techniques, with a focus on the U-Net architecture, which effectively captures both low-level details and high-level semantic information through CNN-based skip connections, facilitating precise segmentation. During the training process, the model benefits from a combination of Dice loss and categorical focal loss functions, enabling a comprehensive optimization approach for segmentation tasks. To evaluate the model's effectiveness, essential metrics such as sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, Intersection over Union (IoU), and F1 score are utilized. These metrics offer a holistic assessment, capturing segmentation accuracy, class imbalance, and overall correctness in identifying positive and negative instances. The optimal development of an efficient and accurate brain tumor segmentation model, as demonstrated by the evaluation metrics Sensitivity: 0.9784, Specificity: 0.9930, Accuracy: 0.9342, IoU, and F1 score has promising implications for medical image processing. Automating the segmentation process through this research contributes to the advancement of early detection and diagnosis, potentially improving patient recovery rates and treatment planning for individuals affected by brain tumors in the future medical field. This research paves the way for transformative advancements in the medical field, harnessing the power of deep learning techniques for accurate brain tumor segmentation. As technology continues to evolve, such automated approaches hold immense potential in revolutionizing medical imaging practices, ultimately contributing to better healthcare and a positive impact on patients' lives
- PublicationBalancing control of battery banks in electric vehicles using a DC-DC converter(2023-07)Nowadays, battery cell is widely used and developed for various reasons. This technology had been seeming like a new way for the user to work any devices or machines without power supply. The main problem of the battery cell is balancing control. Without balancing control, the health of the battery cell will decrease and the cost of maintenance and changing it will be very high. Therefore, DC-DC converter is needed to make sure the balancing control work. Zeta converter provides a positive output voltage from an input voltage that varies above and below the output voltage. The balancing control method is active balancing. Active balancing is work for all kind of battery cells. To make sure the balancing control work, controller is needed. This thesis starts with modelling Zeta converter and followed by connection with a controller. The input power of this system is a connection of 10 batteries in series. Therefore, this paper deals with balancing control of battery cell in electric vehicle using DC-DC converter. This simulation-based project is done by using MATLAB R2022a software.
- PublicationAutomatic ground vehicle for pick and place coloured box(2023-07)Nowadays the creations of Automatic Mobile Robot (AMR) model can be found from all over the countries, as it gives many advantages in our lives. It works just like a robot as it is able to sense and response to the environment. Considering that, AMRs should be well developed to optimize its benefits to our own living. The primary objective of the thesis is to design and construct a custom hardware platform capable of automatic navigation and manipulation of coloured boxes. The vehicle incorporates a range of sensors, including cameras, to capture and process visual information in real-time and ultrasonic sensors, this sensor is essential in detecting colored boxes positioned in front of the vehicle, triggering a halt in its movement and activating the gripper mechanism. The computer vision algorithms are developed to detect and identify different coloured boxes, enabling the vehicle to make informed decisions during pick and place operations. In order to realize this goal, a robotic prototype is constructed using MyRio and LabVIEW. The findings of the research demonstrate the successful realization of a robust and efficient automatic ground vehicle capable of accurately detecting, picking up, and placing coloured boxes. The system's performance is evaluated based on metrics such as task completion time, success rate, and overall efficiency. The tasks of material handling, especially in hazardous environments, are made easier with a well-developed AMR to enhance efficiency in the delivery of items, especially at centres for palliative care, the nuclear industry and other hazardous environments. Therefore, this project involves of designing and fabrication of the hardware and circuitry.
- PublicationAssessment on the current transformer performance under the effect of power system harmonics(2023-07)This research was implemented to study the use of current transformers as instrumental transformers. Generally, overall finding from this project is known as the current transformer will fail to operate correctly when a certain level of harmonic percentage is present in power system. The implementation of non-linear loads in electrical systems today has increased along with the latest technology. However, the use of nonlinear loads greatly contributes to higher harmonic distortion occurring in the electrical distribution system. Examples of non-linear loads that exist today are rectifiers, alternating current to direct current power converters. Main issue regarding the implementation of higher harmonic distortion in power system will cause the performance of current transformer fail to convert current values stated on the current transformer itself. Therefore, this study will study the performance of CT under linear and non-linear load and do an assessment of the performance and effects on the CT with different levels of THD percentage. The error percentage ratio for current transformers is measured to observe the functionality of current transformer. In this project, an experiment was carried out at the Power Laboratory of the School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and a software simulation is done using MATLAB Simulink to simulate the operating current transformer with linear and non-linear load. The current transformer with a ratio of 7.5/1 A and a secondary load or CT burden for the current transformer is selected in this study. With this study, more understanding is acquired regarding the effect of the power system harmonics on the current transformer operation.
- PublicationArrhythmia electrocardiogram (ECG) signal classification using long short term memory, lstm (deep learning).(2023-07)Arrhythmias, which are irregularities in the heartbeat's rhythm, can seriously harm a person's health. The type of rhythm disruption and the region of the heart where the disturbance arises are used to classify arrhythmias. However, it is nearly impossible to obtain a 100% accurate test due to the complexity of the cardiac conduction system through human eye. Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) is a type of artificial neural network that is commonly used to analysing ECG data due to its ability to analyse sequences of inputs. However, the vanishing gradient problem, which affects RNNs, causes delayed convergence and makes learning long term dependencies difficult as the gradient values are very small during backpropagation. Thus, LSTM which is specifically designed to overcome this limitation of traditional RNN is chosen in this project to classified arrhythmias from a dataset. A dataset of ECG signals is collected from PhysioNet Database which contains the recordings of several types of arrhythmias such as sinus arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia, and ventricular fibrillation. The raw data of ECG signals is first pre-processed to filter out the noise and normalizing the signals. Then, the data is then segmented into individual heartbeat and extracted relevant features for classification. Next, an LSTM model is developed to classify the ECG signals into different classes. Finally, the performance output of the model is evaluated using confusion matrix to assess the effect of different model parameters. Our findings show that LSTM neural networks show better results in classifying ECG arrhythmias compared to traditional RNN.
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- ItemGEOPHYSICAL APPLICATIONS IN MAPPING THE SUBSURFACE STRUCTURE OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE AT LEMBAH BUJANG, KEDAH, MALAYSIA(2011-09)Lembah Bujang is one of Peninsular Malaysia's most important areas for archaeology as excavations in this area have revealed many traces of Malaysia's protohistory. The site is one of the oldest known place human civilization activities in the Peninsula. The aim of this study is to map and understand the subsurface structure of the survey area which is one of the archaeologically interesting areas. The specific areas of study are Sungai Batu and Sungai Bujang. Geophysical methods are used because it is non-destructive and non-invasive. The methods are relatively quick and the results are used as a guide for subsequent excavation work. So it can greatly helped in setting the digging priorities as geophysical surveying can reveal, for instance, important subsurface features like monuments, tunnels or buried walls. The geophysical methods used in this study were the magnetic gradiometer, 2- D electrical resistivity and ground penetrating radar (GPR) methods. The integration of these three methods can be beneficial as each method has its strength' and limitation. Sungai Batu site results show that the sedimentation consists of sandy clay, alluvium and boulders with a depth of 0 - 15 m, which could be related to the base of the monument built of bricks made from laterite or granite. The sedimentation also proof that Sungai Batu was an ancient river. Sungai Bujang area divided into three subsurface layers. The top layer was the colluviums mix with some sand and gravels. Second layer was conductive layer (marine alluvium) with depth 1.5 - 3 m. The third layer was clayey sand. Excavation work at Sungai Batu has successfully exposed remarkable archaeological findings which are iron smelting site and monument structure.
- PublicationThe Biostimulation Of Low Level Laser Irradiation On Blood Parameters: Ex Vivo(2017-07)Various low-level laser wavelengths have been used for a variety of clinical applications because of their ability to modulate blood rheology and improve microcirculation. The response of human blood to low-level laser irradiation (LLLI) provides important information about the interactions of laser light with living tissues. This study was designed to investigate whether in vitro LLLI changes the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and other blood indices of whole blood. Blood samples were collected by venipuncture into ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)-containing tubes. Each sample was divided into two equal aliquots as a control (non-irradiated) and irradiated samples. The irradiated sample was subjected to LLLI doses of 36, 54, 72 and 90 J/cm2 at wavelengths of 405, 589 and 780 nm.
- ItemCytotoxic and apoptotic effects of curcumin and thymoquinone on HSC-2 cell line(Pusat Pengajian Sains Pergigian, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2021-08)Cancer is one of the most prevalent causes of mortality and morbidity amongst humans. Oral cancer is the 11th most common cancer. Oral squamous cell carcinoma accounts for 90% of all oral malignancies. The current commonly-practiced treatment options for oral cancer are surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. These are extremely expensive and aggressive treatment options that fail to completely eradicate the tumor and have multiple debilitating outcomes. There is a thus a strong need for better and safer treatment options. One such option is the use of naturally-occurring compounds that have cytotoxic and anti-cancer properties. Curcumin and thymoquinone are two such compounds. They are both plant-derived chemicals (phytochemicals) which are the active constituents of Curcuma longa and Nigella sativa respectively. Both these chemicals have been used for centuries to help treat various diseases. Their roles as cytotoxic and anticancer agents have been extensively studied. In this study, we test their cytotoxic and apoptotic effect on HSC-2 cell line, a type of oral squamous cell carcinoma. The cytotoxic properties were evaluated using 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay at various concentrations (7.8μM-250μM) for 24, 48 and 72h. The results from MTT assay showed significant decrease in cell viability of the HSC-2 cells at 24h and so, 50% inhibitory concentration (IC50) was calculated at this time and was found out to be 54.47μM and 32.70μM for curcumin and thymoquinone respectively. Their apoptosis inducing property was confirmed via flow cytometry using the Annexin V apoptosis detection kit. The results showed a significant percentage of early apoptotic cells for curcumin (mean= 9%) and thymoquinone (mean= 8%) at 24h at the concentration of 62.5μM. The results obtained from these experiments support the established cytotoxic and anti-proliferative properties of curcumin and thymoquinone and support results from similar studies.
- ItemDesign and implementation of multiplatform indoor and outdoor tracking system(2016-09-01)RFID has the potential to address the inadequacy of GPS inside closed environment. While, WSN is capable to extend the communication range between two sensor nodes and GSM supports WSN during network disruptions. Therefore, a new multi-platform indoor and outdoor tracking (ER2G) system that operates at 2.4 GHz based on ZigBee IEEE 802.15.4 standards is presented to overcome the disadvantages present in each technology. The ER2G system with M2M functionalities utilizes API mode to transmit and receive real time data wirelessly and provides switching between indoor-outdoor location and WSN-GSM platform. All tests are conducted in real environments as POC in achieving M2M communication. The performance of ER2G system is evaluated and compared with standalone RFID and ERG system, and it is found to be more efficient than both systems. The results indicate that the ER2G system provides better LOS signal propagation than the standalone RFID by 2.66 % indoor and 26.49 % outdoor. In addition, the switching rate between indoor and outdoor is faster than the ERG system by 0.95 % indoor and 16.47 % outdoor. The proposed algorithm based on AT command request using API mode is able to transmit and receive data by 10.11 % faster than the AT mode. The average tag collection times of ER2G system for TTF and RTF protocols are 14.29 % and 7.14 % respectively, which are higher than the standalone RFID. Furthermore, the average throughput of the standalone RFID is 18.06 % lower than ER2G system for TTF and 7.09 % higher than ER2G system for RTF in multi-hops environment with 100 % delivery ratio.
- ItemA Hybrid Neural Network - Hidden Markov Model - Fuzzy Logic Method For Protein Classification(Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2007-08)The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how to support the national drive to have a biotechnology industry. Biotechnology is based on the creation of new proteins for either industrial or medicinal purposes.