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    Utilisation Of Superheated Steam And Torrefacto Roasting On Quality Attributes Of Black Seed (Nigella Sativa) For Beverage Application
    Veeriah, Harivaindaran K.
    Nigella sativa, known as black seed, has many health benefits and is typically roasted prior to consumption. This causes detrimental quality loss, thus, an innovative method such as superheated steam (SHS) and torrefacto roasting may be advantageous. This research aims to develop a beverage from SHS torrefacto (TR) roasted black seeds. In the first phase, SHS was applied to black seeds at 150℃, 200℃ and 250℃ for 10, 15, and 20 mins at each temperature then compared to convection roasting at the same parameters for lipid oxidation, proximate, antioxidants, and essential oils. Results indicated that SHS roasted seeds yielded more oil (24.83 % vs only 23.23 % oil for convection) and had better peroxide value (highest value for convection, 84.00 versus SHS, 48.00 meq O2/kg of oil), p-anisidine value (highest value; for convection, 28.36 versus SHS, 23.73), FRAP values (SHS; 327 to 435 mM FeSO4/g sample, convection; 301 to 356 mM FeSO4/g sample), and DPPH scavenging capacity (SHS; 92.45 to 69.97 % inhibition, convection; 92.08 to 65.81 % inhibition). Results also indicate unsuitable extraction method and poor seed quality since oil oxidative analysis results were all above standard acceptable levels. Convection roasting also caused loss of thymoquinone, an important characteristic component of black seed essential oil. In the second phase, black seeds were TR and SHS roasted at 220℃ for 10 min. This roasting time and temperature was derived via response surface methodology for maximum antioxidant capacity.
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    Y-type Random 2-satisfiability In Discrete Hopfield Neural Network
    Guo, Yueling
    In the current development of Artificial Intelligence, Satisfiability plays a crucial role as a symbolic language of Artificial Intelligence for the transparency of black box models. However, the main problem of existing Satisfiability is the lack of combined logical rule, so the benefits of combined logical rule have not yet been investigated. The rule namely Y-Type Random 2-Satisfiability is proposed by combining the systematic and non-systematic logical rule. Next, the newly proposed logical rule as the symbolic instruction was implemented into the Discrete Hopfield Neural Network to govern the neurons of the network. Experimental results demonstrated the compatibility of the proposed logical rule and the Discrete Hopfield Neural Network. Additionally, the proposed Hybrid Differential Evolution Algorithm was implemented into the training phase to ensure that the cost function of the Discrete Hopfield Neural Network is minimized. During the retrieval phase, a new activation function and Swarm Mutation were proposed to ensure the diversity of the neuron states. The proposed algorithm and mutation mechanism showed optimal performances as compared to the existing algorithms. Finally, a new logic mining model namely Y-Type Random 2-Satisfiability Reverse Analysis was proposed, which showed optimal performances in terms of several metrics as compared to the existing classification models. The developed logic mining will be used to analyze the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative dataset.
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    Explaining Eating Disorder Behaviour Among Chinese University Students Using The Extended Theory Of Planned Behaviourexplaining Eating Disorder Behaviour Among Chinese University Students Using The Extended Theory Of Planned Behaviour
    Gao, Zeng
    Adolescents’ unhealthy eating leads to them to adopt certain measures such as a diet, fasting and other behaviours that are likely to reduce body weight. The measures in turns lead to eating disorders and series of complications, such as impaired digestive system function, endocrine disorders, amenorrhea, hypoglycaemia, malnutrition, or physiological damage to various organ systems, and even life-threatening. It will affect the physical and mental health of the young and incurs high medical costs in one's country. In the long term it will be a physical and mental health issue that will increase medical expenses to treat it. Therefore, using the Theory of Planned Behaviour, this study was conducted to identify the factors that influence eating disorders among university students in the province of Gansu, China. Data was analysed using IBM SPSS and PROCESS 4.0 to answer all research questions developed. Results showed that there was significant difference in attitude towards physical activity, subjective norm, perceived behavioural control, body shape, self-esteem, and intention to engage in physical activities. between gender and body mass index (BMI). Gender and BMI also moderate the relationship between intention, body shape, self-esteem, and eating disorder. However, different gender and BMI in different attitudes (AT), subjective norms (SN), perceived behavioural control (PBC), body shape (BS), self-esteem (SE), and intention (IN) scores have significance. Family incomes only have a significant in self-esteem (SE).
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    Multi-layer Radiation Shielding Design For Compact Proton Therapy System Using Monte Carlo Simulation
    Aliyah, Fitrotun
    Proton therapy has emerged as a highly effective treatment for various cancers due to its precision in targeting tumor cells while minimizing radiation exposure to surrounding healthy tissues. However, the design of compact proton therapy facilities poses significant challenges, particularly in terms of shielding requirements, cost, and environmental impact. This study aims to develop a novel shielding design for proton therapy systems that complies with regulatory dose limits while reducing the overall cost and footprint by utilizing alternative materials through a multilayer structure model. The research begins with the characterization of natural aggregate and steel slag as potential alternative materials for concrete admixture, then continues with experimental evaluations of radiation attenuation properties using PuBe, LINAC, and CT-Scan as radiation sources. To further develop and optimize the shielding design, the study employed Monte Carlo simulations using the Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System (PHITS). These simulations facilitated the creation of innovative shielding configurations, incorporating both single-layer and multilayer structures composed of Portland concrete (PC), steel slag concrete (SSC) , iron (Fe), borated polyethylene (BPE), and recycled high-density polyethylene (HDPE). The experiment results demonstrate that steel slag concrete offers superior radiation shielding performance compared to conventional concrete. The PHITS simulation results demonstrate that the material combination model of PC-SSC on the treatment room wall and PC-SSC-Fe-HDPE on the Maze 1 wall is the optimal configuration with ambient dose equivalent rate value ranging from 13 to 773 mSv/year.
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    Intrinsic self-healable and recyclable rubbers based on ionic crosslinked network
    Mohd Hafiz Bin Zainol
    In modern technologies, rubbers play a significant role to serve various main manufacturing industrial products, for instance vehicles tires, damping systems, wearable electronics, safety gears and many more. In order to fabricate a component which offers high toughness, great damping properties, chemical and thermal stability, rubbers need to be chemically crosslinked through vulcanization process. However, vulcanized rubber with permanent covalent crosslinked network cannot be reprocessed, reshaped or recycled. As a result, waste rubber products have become a serious threat towards ecological and environmental systems. This problem has driven towards emerging of a self-healing rubber technology which has the ability to restore the damage and can be recycled and reprocessed at the same time. The work carried out started with investigation of the potential of self-healing non polar natural rubber (NR) based on zinc thiolate ionic network. The Zn2+ is a potential metal ion candidate for formation of reversible ionic network, thus self-healing ability, recyclability and reprocessing ability would be achievable. In the next work stage, carboxylated nitrile butadiene rubber (XNBR) was chosen to investigate self-healing ability for polar rubber. The strategy is to generate massive Zn2+ salt bonding between zinc thiolate and COOH group on XNBR in order to create electrostatic interaction that allow thermo reversible ionic network. For NR, the samples achieved 100% self-recovery within 10 minutes at room temperature. Evidence for reversible metal thiolate ionic networks was provided by Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) and swelling density. Followed by mechanical performance assessment which include tensile test, tear strength, fatigue lifespan and creep behaviour. As for the recycled and reprocessed assessment, the vulcanised rubber was recycled and reprocessed for few times and the tensile test, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and welding test were evaluated. Interestingly the rubber was able to be reprocessed for three times and recovered its initial mechanical performance up to 60%. For XNBR, the sample achieved 97.87% self-recovery within 10 minutes at 150ºC. Evidence for thermo reversible ionic network was provided by FTIR and swelling density assessment. Followed by mechanical performance assessment which include tensile test, tear strength, fatigue lifespan and creep behaviour. As for recycle and reprocessing assessment, the results showed that XNBR were able to be reprocessed for three times with significant mechanical performance recovery up to 70%. From the work carried in this research, it was found that NR self-healing rubber enables more potential for final application as the healing occur at room temperature. For potential application stage, NR self-healing rubber was chosen as candidate material for puncture proof application. The self-healing natural rubber was able to recover the puncture spot ranging from 0.8 mm to 2 mm nail diameter at 100% recovery rate throughout pressure test, temperature test, repeatability test and stability test. Evidence for healed punctured spot was provided by SEM. Both self-healing NR and XNBR had exhibit significant performance on self-healing capabilities and mechanical properties. While on puncture-proof application, self-healing NR had shown a promising performance throughout all the test that has been conducted in this research.
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    Development Of W03-Tio2 Nanotube Arrays For Water Electrolysis
    Lai Chin Wei
    Solar hydrogen generation from water electrolysis is a key target for the development of sustainable hydrogen economy for future energy system. The formation of self-organized Ti02 nanotubes without bundling is essential for high efficiency In photoelectrochemical (PEC) water electrolysis application. Comprehensive investigations on different parameters, such as composition of electrolyte, anodization time, anodization voltage, anodization temperature and heat treatment temperature were conducted in order to control the specific architecture of nanotubes.
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    Assessment Of Antitumor Activity Of Standardized Polyalthia Longifolia Leaf Extract In Hela Cell Tumor Xenograft Mouse Model
    Braganza, Cilwyn Shalitha
    P. longifolia is a traditional medicinal plant with a rich source of biologically active phytochemicals. Investigations on methanolic leaf extract were reported to exert potent in vitro anticancer effects on HeLa human cervical cancer cells. Current treatment strategies for cervical cancer are facing challenges such as increased drug toxicity, chemoresistance, and limited treatment options, thus making it imperative for the discovery of safe and effective green anticancer agents. Though P. longifolia is a promising anticancer plant, the in vitro findings by themselves are insufficient to translate to human use and therefore require in vivo preclinical testing. Currently, there are no reports on further investigation of P. longifolia leaf extracts on in vivo animal tumor models, which limits the clinical utility of this plant. Hence this study was conducted to evaluate the in vivo antitumor effects of P. longifolia methanolic leaf extract on HeLa cells xenografted tumors developed in athymic nude mice.
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    Predicting the biomechanics in aramany class i obturator prostheses using different designs and materials: a combined finite element modeling and experimental study
    Mousa, Mohammed Assayed Mohammed Assayed
    There is a direct relationship between biomechanics and the success of maxillofacial prostheses (MFPs). The linear (LDP) and tripodal designs (TDP) are the only designs used for unilateral MFPs. Besides, most literature showed only Co-Cr-based obturators. This study explored the biomechanics in obturators for Aramany's Class I defect using a new design named fully tripodal (FTDP) and seven materials in terms of retention, stress, and strain using finite element analysis (FEA), photoelastic stress analysis (PESA), digital image correlation (DIC), and a universal testing machine. Nine FE models, 30 epoxy resin models (12 for PESA and 18 for DIC), and 54 frameworks divided into nine for AP retained with Adam's clasps, LDP, TDP, FTDP, PEEK-based, and biotone-based MFPs were fabricated from casts obtained from archived scanned human skull. The data on retention, PESA, DIC, and FEA data were collected and evaluated to identify the displacement, stress, and strain in the MFPs with assorted designs and materials. Regarding retention, there were no significant differences between FTDP and TDP regarding retention, stress, and strain. Regarding the materials, the metalbased produced the highest retention, the highest stress on the abutments, and the lowest stress and strain on the defective side. The flexible materials-based MFPs demonstrated the lowest retention, the lowest stress and strain on the abutments of the contralateral side, and the highest stress and strain on the defective side (P<0.05).
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    Dietary habits and lifestyle practices among normal and overweight undergraduate students in Universiti Sains Malaysia, Health Sciences Campus, Kubang Kerian.
    Zukhi, Nurul Alis Farhana Mohd
    Young adults' dietary habits and lifestyle practices have been remarked as the prime cause of being overweight, influenced by several factors such as personal choices, society, and the environment. The dietary habits of young adults are characterized by a tendency to skip meals, especially breakfast, frequent consumption of snack foods or drinks, and repeated attempts at dieting due to preoccupation with body image and appearance. Although the onset and development of dietary habits and lifestyle practices are mostly apparent during childhood, university students also undergo a critical period where changes in their behaviors often result in weight gain. The main objective of this research is to assess the dietary habits and lifestyle practices among normal and overweight undergraduate students at Universiti Sains Malaysia, Health Sciences Campus (USM), Kubang Kerian. This cross-sectional study involved 110 undergraduate students from the Health Sciences Campus (USM), Kubang Kerian, Kelantan, Malaysia. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed online to selected respondents via Google Forms which covered parameters such as dietary habits, lifestyle practices as well as knowledge and perceptions about dieting, balanced nutrition, and self-body image . The results indicated that both BMI categories exhibited similar dietary habits and lifestyle practices, but there were significant differences in their food choices, meal frequency, and responses to stress. Using Pearson’s chi-squared test, there was no significant association (p>0.05) between gender and their BMI category. The study's findings provide detailed information about the dietary habits and lifestyle practices among normal and overweight undergraduate students at the Health Sciences Campus.
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    The Effect Of Psychological Antecedents Of Engagement On The Performance Of The Nigerian Public Sector With Employee Engagement As A Mediator
    Adewumi, Abdullahi Suleiman
    The performance of the Nigerian public sector has of recent been massively declining albeit the implementation of several reforms to correct the declining position. Moreover, there has been an intensified call from the citizens (academics and practitioners) to approach the situation through a different and more organic measure which would be effective. Similarly, the public sector employees attain their job satisfaction based on intrinsic values rather than extrinsic values as their private sector counterparts. Therefore, this situation calls for the need to examine the Nigerian public sector’s performance through the psychological antecedents of engagement. Based on the Social Exchange Theory and Job-demand resource theory, this study designed a research framework to assist the investigation of the required antecedents of engagement wholistically through their psychological elements (meaningfulness, safety, and availability). Job demand, autonomy, opportunity for training and development, and reward and recognition were investigated under the psychological meaningfulness antecedents, social support and transformational leadership were observed under the psychological safety antecedents, while role overload, work-role conflict, resources inadequacy, and self-efficacy were examined under the psychological availability antecedents of engagement. Meanwhile, Employee engagement was assessed as a mediating variable in this study