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    Modifikasi Hidrotermal Terhadap Sifat-Sifat Fiziko-Kimia Tepung Beras
    Tan Chiew Ming
    Modifikasi hidrotermal terhadap sifat-sifat fiziko-kirnia dan berfungsi tepung beras boleh dilakukan melalui pengolahan haba-lernbapan (H-L) atau penyepuhlindpan. Pengolahan H-L tepung beras pada 800-1300C telah didapati meningkatkan suhu gelatinisasi amilografik (G1), kestabilan pes, dan kecenderungan retrogradasi tetapi menurunkan kelikatan puncak (Vp). Pada amnya amilogram jenis B bagi tepung beras asal telah ditukarkan kepada amilogram jenis C selepas pengolahan H-L. Tepung terolah H-L mempamerkan pengurangan dalam adsorpsi air 'pada mana-mana tekanan wap relatif. Pemerhatian-pemerhatian di atas mungkin disebabkan oleh pertambahan aturan yang mungkin berlaku pada kawasan amorfus dan/atau berhablur dalam granul-granul kanji semasa pengolahan. Suhu pengolahan yang terlalu tinggi mungkin mengakibatkan penurunan dalam berat molekul kanji yang menggalakkan retrogradasi.
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    "Holff's Philosophical Anarchism - An Analysis"
    Tan Kuan Aw
    This thesis begins with an Introduction which briefly describes the two basic theses of Wolff's position. Firstly, Wolff argues that political authority cannot be justified on moral grounds because there lS an irresolvable conflict between political authority and autonomy - man's fundamental moral duty. Secondly, he argues that no political theory can succeed in resolving this problem and in particular classical / democratic theory has failed to do so. Hence Wolff concludes that political authority must be rejected and anarchism is the only conclusion left for a rational man.
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    An Efficient Surface Mapping Technique Using Laser Triangulation For Image Recontruction
    Tjio Hok Hoo
    An image acquisition system, which is used to capture 2-D images of object/scene for 3-D image reconstruction, is developed based on triangulation technique. The system consists of three devices, i.e. B/W CCO camera, laser diode and rotary table. These devices are placed in such a way that a triangle is formed. A grating line, which has a width of one pixel, is mounted in front of the laser diode. The purpose of the grating line is to project a stripe line on the surface of the object/scene. In this research, the positions of the camera and the laser diode are fixed. In order to acquire sufficient information for 3-D image reconstruction, the object/scene is rotated 360° about the azimuth of the rotary table. At every 15°, the rotary table is paused and a reflected image of the object is captured by the camera. Therefore, 24 different images are recorded in one complete rotation.
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    Organizational Variables, Job Variables, And Job Stress: The Moderating Effect Of Personality Among Paiddealers Within The Stock Broking Firms In Penang
    Yeoh Chee Beng
    The purpose of this study is to determine whether organizational variables (formalization, centralization, and organizational climate) and job variables (role conflict, role ambiguity, and role overload) affect job stress. Additionally, two personality variables (Type A personality and self-efficacy) were examined whether they serve to moderate the relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable.
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    The Performance Of Initial Public Offer Versus Performance Of Privatised Government Companies
    Zambri Mohamad Tenang
    This study, however, has three major objectives. First, to determine the general trends of underpricing of IPO's from 1987 to 1997. This is because there is a general trend that IPO's has become popular among investors in Malaysia. The second is t0 determine the possible factors that might have contributed to the level of low price bow. Thirdly, to compare the general trends against privatised government companies.
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    Validation efficiency improvement for a continuously evolving product – total cost of ownership (tco)
    Ooi, Siew Chin
    The title of this final year project is “VALIDATION EFFICIENCY IMPROVEMENT FOR A CONTINUOUSLY EVOLVING PRODUCT – TOTAL COST OF OWNERSHIP (TCO)”. There are in general, two parts of improvement that can be done for the product, TCO. First is to design an automation script for TCO focus test, while the second is to do failure analysis documentation for TCO focus test. For the first part of this project, automation script helps in minimizing human resources for routine tasks. Perl programming language is used to produce this automation script. By using this automation script, the user gets to spend less time to run a test(s) and the summarized result of the tests are produced for easier and more convenient references. Thus, with this automation script, the validation process of TCO is improved and can be performed in a more efficient manner. For the second part of this project, failure analysis documentation will be produced. There are always some failures detected during the testing, namely software and hardware failures. When there is a failure, there is a need to find the root cause and solution to fix it. These are documented so that it serves as references and benefit the next generation in the future. With this documentation, when other users faced similar situations, they can refer to it for solutions and prevent from making the same mistakes. Thus, this helps in making the validation process perform more effectively.
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    Seed Density, Seed Germination Performance On Various Substrates And The Effects Of Iba (Indole-3-Butyric Acid) On Stem Cutting Of Eucalyptus Pellita
    Marlinah Binti Muslim
    The main objective of this research is to propose a seedling production technique to be applied by the local community to support the Eucalyptus pellita-based industry in Malaysia. Eucalyptus spp. which includes E. pellita is a key plant to several industries such as the paper and furniture industries, both for local and global use.
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    Design of 8 bits parallel to-serial converter for baseband using vhdl
    Abdullah Zawawi, Ruhaifi
    This report included code writing, schematic, layout and simulation result for front end and backend process. This design is actually done for digital signal processing and still need more effort in research since this project is still new in our university. Front end process consists of behavioral description, RTL description and gate level description. Synthesis is done throughout this process to specify the maximum frequency for clock signal. This design has achieved frequency of 204MHz at typical process with 162238.88um2 in total area and only 0.0294mW in power consumption. Our target is to get high speed system to produce high data rate. We also want to reduce the power consumption especially the dynamic and static power. For front end, the design had been carried out for behavioral description, synthesis and verilog in for gate level simulation. Then, the gate level netlist will be imported for back end process included its timing constrain. A simple floorplan is generated, blocks or cells are placed, power routing is done and all analysis for timing, violation ,clock tree and fixing all problems in our layout . Our target is to get GDSII file with no violation in setup and hold time, also no signal integrity problems. For back end analysis, there are no violation since the slack minimum slack value is 6.553ns for rising edge signal and 7.739ns for falling edge signal. The last process is very important because the parasitic resistor and capacitance have been considered so that the timing and power analysis will be more accurate. In addition, clock tree synthesis is carried out to arrange all standard cells at certain place in the core so that the clock signal will arrive at same time for all cells.
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    First Principle Computational Studies On The Electronic Structure Of Muonated Κ-(Bedt-Ttf)2Cu[N(Cn)2]Cl And Κ-D8-(Bedt-Ttf)2Cu[N(Cn)2]Br
    Hasan Baseri, Dang Fatihah
    κ --(BEDT TTF) R 2 R Cu[N(CN) R 2 R ]Cl and κ-d8-(BEDT-TTF)R2RCu[N(CN)R2R]Br are organic magnet material s with potential application in spintronics. The number of µ SR data on this structure ha s increas ed r apidly and continuously appear from time to time. An unpaired electron is generally localized throughout the dimer and is not localized around a particular atom which can affect the ma gnetic properties of the system . the long range ordering of the magnetic moments that was configured by the m agnetic structure of the system remains unclear and further investigations are required. In order t o complement the µ SR study , the Density Functional Th eory (DFT) computational me thod has been performed to investigate the electronic structures in the high spin and antiferromagnetic ( AFM state as well as to observe the type of the magnetism that exists in this compound. As the total energy obtained in an AFM state for MMR1212R, MMR2323R and M 31 configurations are slightly more stable compared to the high spin state, it is computationally proved that the ground state possessed an AFM configuration . The relative energy for
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    Elucidating the effects of sirolimus and sunitinib on nmu-induced rat breast carcinoma: in vitro and in vivo studies
    Sakri, Muhammad Shahidan Muhammad
    Breast cancer tissue comprises genes altered, modified or/and mutated tissue. Nowadays, there are many options available for cancer remedy which includes surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy as well as immune-targeted therapy. A previous study found that combining drugs helps to improve tamoxifen effects towards breast cancer. Sirolimus also known as rapamycin, is a bacterial macrolide with anti-fungal properties, immunosuppressant and anti-angiogenic agent in targeted therapy. Sunitinib is a small molecule, multi-targeted receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) inhibitor. In this study, the effects of sirolimus and sunitinib on the breast cancer model were elucidated. Angiogenic factors which include VEGFR-2, PDGFR-β, mTOR, HIF-1α and STAT3 were studied. In addition, the correlation study of MVD with angiogenic expression was carried out as well. For in vivo model, a total number of twenty-four (24) female Sprague Dawley’s rats were obtained from ARASC USM Kubang Kerian at day 20 of age. The experiments and procedures towards the animal were conducted strictly in accordance with approval from the Animal Ethics Committee of USM guidelines of animal care and welfare. The breast tumour was induced by NMU and grouped into 4 groups (sirolimus, sunitinib, sirolimus+sunitinib and untreated). For in vitro model, MCF-7 and MDA-MB 231 cell lines were used representing aggressive types of breast cancer. The cell lines were treated with drugs and analyzed for proteins expression as well as apoptosis. Immunohistochemistry scoring for the entire treated groups showed a significant (P<0.05) reduction of angiogenic factors expressions compared to a control group. Gene analyses of sirolimus and sunitinib treated breast tumours showed significant (P<0.05) down-regulation of angiogenic factors compared to the untreated group. This indicated anti-angiogenesis properties of sirolimus and sunitinib suppressed angiogenic pathways. MVD study by using CD31 staining showed significantly reduced number of vascular obtained from the entire treated groups compared to the untreated group. A correlation study on MVD and angiogenic factors expression showed a positive correlation between angiogenic factors (VEGFR-2, mTOR, HIF-1α and STAT3) and MVD count. On the other hand, in vitro study of MCF-7 and MDA-MD 231 cell lines revealed that treatment with sirolimus and sunitinib significantly (P<0.05) reduced cell growth as well as proliferation rates compared to untreated at the IC50 dose. The result indicated sirolimus and sunitinib as well as sirolimus+sunitinib effectively inhibited proliferation of MCF-7 and MDA-MB 231 in the time and dose-dependent manner. Apoptosis study found a significant increase of apoptotic cells obtained in the entire treated groups. In conclusion, sirolimus and sunitinib as single agents represent potential effective anti-cancer drugs for breast cancer treatment which are proven at protein and gene analysis of in vivo and in vitro models while the combination of sirolimus and sunitinib showed a synergistic effect.