A computational fluid dynamics (cfd) macro modeling and simulation of single chamber solid oxide fuel cell (sc-sofc)

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Koay, Hai Siu
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Single Chamber Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SC- SOFC) has been gaining popularity lately due to its simplified structure, absence of gas seal and reduced cell manufacturing cost. It has also been shown to produce higher power density ~700 mW/em' and makes it useful in many applications. The characteristic and performance of a SC- SOFC system has been greatly dependant on the gas flow condition inside the gas channel, the chemical reaction inside the porous electrode and the heat generation and transfer inside the gas channel. In this research, three submodels of SC- SOFC operating inside a gas channel were simulated and analyzed using FLUENT. Gas Flow and Porous Media Transport/ Reaction submodels were simulated at a minimum and maximum SC- SOFC temperature setting to analyze the effect of different operating temperature on the characteristic of the models. The Heat Generation and Transfer submodel were analyzed considering the effect of simulation with radiation and without radiation. The advantages of using CFD to simulate the various models are SOFC design model can be further improved before the actual prototype is made and tested, costs incurred by CFD are much lower if compared to conventional experimental procedures and the time needed to bring a design to market is very much reduced. Simulation and analysis of this research were compared to literatures available to obtain validated experimental efforts to verify the simulation results.