Influence of crumb rubber aggregate and hybrid fiber on toughness and impact load of concrete structures

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Al-Wesabi, Emad Ali Haidar
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Concrete structures are usually subject to dynamic loading conditions due to impact loads. Researchers have investigated the incorporation of recycled materials from worn automobile tires such as crumb rubber (CR) aggregate in concrete to resolve the issue of waste tires and save the environment by making it green and sustainable. The CR incorporation has resulted in improving energy absorption and impact energy. It has also resulted in increasing ductility and strain capacity. Nevertheless, using CR in concrete has had a negative effect, thereby causing a large drop in mechanical properties. By focusing on concrete that contains CR particles with hybrid fiber, this study aims to address issues of sustainability and strength decline simultaneously and achieve a further improvement in toughness and impact resistance behaviour because previous studies are limited. This study investigated the hybridization of micro steel (MS) and polypropylene (PP) with various contents. The various contents of MS fibres (0%, 0.75%, 0.825%, 0.9%, and 1.0%) and PP fibres (0%, 0.1%, 0.175%, 0.25%, and 1.0%) at a similar volume fraction of 1.0% with/without CR. All the fiber-reinforced rubberized concrete (FRRuC) contained 20% CR (1–2 mm in size) by volume as a fine aggregate replacement. The effect of the hybrid fibers and CR on the mechanical properties has been evaluated by static experiments. The structural performance of the compressive and flexural toughness, as well as the fracture toughness parameters (fracture energy, fracture toughness, critical energy release rate, critical j-integral, and characteristic length), have been investigated. Furthermore, the impact resistance behaviors of plain and rubberized concrete beam and slab specimens with reinforced hybrid fiber were examined through repeated flexural impact load tests. The experimental results showed that the fiber-reinforced concrete with CR produced higher toughness and impact resistance compared with specimens without CR. By contrast, the mechanical properties decreased, whereas the voids and water absorption of concrete increased due to the CR replacement. The specimen, which is reinforced with 0.1% PP + 0.9% MS hybrid FRRuC, has shown a significant improvement in toughness and impact resistance behavior with the highest of all the mixes in this study. Furthermore, the results showed improved mechanical properties of the specimens with 0.1% PP+0.9% MS hybrid fiber. Accordingly, a successful mix of CR and hybrid fiber was achieved for performance under impact load. Based on the promising results, there is high potential of utilizing CR incorporation of hybrid fiber to be used in concrete for improving the impact resistance of reinforced concrete structures such as shelters and other strategic structures.