Effect of the slenderness ratio on masonry wall under axial compressive cyclic loading

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Wan Ibrahim, Wan Rohanina
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Slenderness ratio is one of the factors affecting the capasity of masonry wall to resist compressive loading. Masonry wall structure is able to withstand compression load but having the large live to dead load ratio would impair the structure capability to withstand cycles of repeated loading and unloading condition. When the masonry structure is exposed to this combined factor, it is desirable to investigate the effect of the slenderness ratio on masonry wall subjected to cyclic compressive loading. In this study, twelve specimens of single leaf wall had been tested under monotonic and cyclic compressive loading with different height representing three different slenderness ratios. From this study the strees-strain curve of the monotonic and cyclic load test was obtained and the relationship between the compressive strenght and slenderness ratio of the masonry wall had been evaluated. It was observed that the masonry wall subjected to the cyclic compressive load behave as expected whereas the strength of the wall was decreased as the slenderness ratio increased and the cyclic loading pattern did not show significant effect. Meanwhile the stress-strain curves of cyclic test generally showed good agreement with the curves of the monotonically loaded specimens. This study also investigates the masonry wall strength subjected to compressive loading in relation to slenderness ratio effect using numerical modelling analysis, it was concluded that the analysis perfomed satisfactorily with poor accuracy and the vertically loaded wall under cyclic load test exhibited face-shell spalling and vertical cracking through the web and face shell and for the increasing the wall slenderness ratio, the wall chipping break about the middle of the wall due to buckling.