Assessment of non-seismically designed timber-concrete hybrid building under earthquake scenario in Malaysia using shake table test

datacite.subject.fosoecd::Engineering and technology::Civil engineering
dc.contributor.authorRichard Ng, Eng Yao
dc.description.abstractMost of the buildings in Malaysia have not considered lateral loads in the design, especially traditional houses. Therefore, they may be susceptible to damage caused by earthquake as demonstrated in the past earthquakes. In addition, no shake table test has been performed on traditional houses in Malaysia. Previous studies show that irregular buildings perform poorly when earthquake strikes. Thus, this research aims to study the seismic performance and develop the correlation of response for L-shape in plan buildings with various frequencies under different peak ground accelerations (PGAs). In this study, the model was down-scaled into 1:4 and has been built in the hybrid timber-concrete floor system. The model was tested with different types of ground motions, i.e. near field and far field with large displacement and various PGAs, namely, 0.05, 0.08, 0.12 and 0.16 g. The building frequencies within 2.70 Hz to 6.25 Hz were varied by changing the lateral force resisting system. The largest roof acceleration difference for the shorter wing section to the longer wing section of the building was 1.12 times; whereas the largest roof displacement difference for the shorter wing section to the longer wing section of the building is 1.17 times. The experimental result shows torsional effect. Numerical analysis based on interpolation of excitation for a single degree of freedom system was also performed to compare with the experimental results. The maximum roof displacement at shorter and longer wings of the building based on experimental analysis is 1.85 and 1.67 times larger than that predicted by numerical model based on single degree of freedom system, respectively. Prediction equations for the maximum responses (accelerations and displacements) based on building frequencies and PGAs for near field and far field with large xxiii displacement earthquake were proposed at the end of the study. This study helps to understand the response of the L-shape irregular hybrid timber-concrete structure. Moreover, the prediction equations developed were able to help engineers to design new buildings and to strengthen the existing buildings to withstand earthquake excitation.
dc.titleAssessment of non-seismically designed timber-concrete hybrid building under earthquake scenario in Malaysia using shake table test
dc.typeResource Types::text::thesis::master thesis
dspace.entity.typePublication Sains Malaysia