Classification Of Cpg Island And Promoter Regions Using Rare K-Mer Motifs

dc.contributor.authorMohamed Hashim,Ezzeddin Kamil
dc.description.abstractEmpirical analysis on DNA k-mers is proven to be an effective means to discover functional elements in the human genomes. Among the empirical works, “rare k-mer" (RKM) is a very interesting subject to be studied due to their unique sequence properties. RKMs were referred as DNA k-mers (of k=7 to 11) that have a low frequency in k-mer frequency distributions of mammalian genomes, yet there are large variations of their mass at the lower k-mer spectra. Our first objective is to discover RKM motifs in the human genome; to identify potential RKM computational applications in biology; and to infer representations for the identified applications. In short, the first goal was achieved by using comparative strategy and several bioinformatic tools (of UCSC browsers, EpiGRAPH, and Galaxy) which correlated RKMs with several genomic features of CpG Islands (CGIs), promoter, 5’ Un- Translated Regions (5’UTRs), and open chromatin regions; and by using intrinsic string mining approaches which identified several unique RKM topological, compositional, and clustering properties in the correlated genomic features.
dc.subjectClassification Of Cpg
dc.subjectPromoter Regions Using Rare K-Mer Motifs
dc.titleClassification Of Cpg Island And Promoter Regions Using Rare K-Mer Motifs
dc.typeResource Types::text::thesis::doctoral thesis
dspace.entity.typePublication Sains Malaysia