Numerical simulation of hydraulic jump using depth-averaged model

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Ting, Wen Kiat
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Research Projects
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The prediction of the location, flow profile and length of hydraulic jump is crucial in the design of hydraulic structure such as stilling basin. For such purposes, numerical model comes in handy and is more cost-efficient as compared to physical modelling. In this study, two governing equations (Saint-Venant (SV) equations and Boussinesq equations) were solved numerically using four numerical algorithms (the Upwind, MUSCL+AB, CIP+SMAC, and CIP/ MM FVM) to simulate the formation of hydraulic jump in a flat rectangular channel. In the model verification process, simulation of dam-break flow problem was carried out. In the model verification process, the CIP+SMAC algorithm showed the best agreement against Ritter solution whilst the CIP/ MM FVM model was well verified against the Stoker’s solution. The numerical models were validated by simulating the one-dimensional hydraulic jump problem. The numerical results were validated against the experimental data. The experiment data were obtained from literature findings and also from the physical experiment conducted at the REDAC Hydraulic Laboratory, USM. Results showed that the Boussinesq equations are better than the SV equations in simulating hydraulic jump. Through qualitative evaluation, the CIP+SMAC algorithm showed the best performance as compared to the Upwind and MUSCL+AB algorithms. Besides, an attempt to simulate the hydraulic jump using the CIP/MM FVM scheme was carried out. Hydraulic jump was successfully simulated using this scheme, with the highest inflow Froude number of 2.3. However, simulation cases with inflow Froude number higher than Fr=2.3 could not be simulated due to numerical instability. Further investigation and model improvement are needed to solve this problem in the future.