Publication: Kajian pengaruh saiz partikel alumina terhadap sifat sifat komposit matriks logam aluminium yang diperkuatkan dengan partikel alumina dihasilkan melalui kaedah metalurgi serbuk
Seow, Eng Heng
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Development of MMC in aerospace application attract more researcher focus find the way to improve mechanical properties and anisotropic. The distribution of particulate reinforcement will give effect to the mechanical properties. MMC reinforced with reinforcement particulate phase will solve the problem of anisotropic properties for MMC. Composite Al-Al2O3 use in this research. Reinforcement Al2O3 used because stable and inert with aluminium. Powder metallugy route use to produced component composite. Component powder composite mixes in ball mixer at 8 hour. Compacting pressure 250 Mpa and sintered at 600 ˚C in 5 hours. MMC samples prepared by 10 w t% Al2O3. Effect of various particulate size (0.3 μm, 1.0 μm, 3.0 μm, 12.5 μm, 25.0 μm) on the morphology at the composite surface observed by SEM. Distribution particulate more homogenous for larger size of particle. Particle size alumina 1.0 μm has density value and mechanical properties more smaller than other size. Size 25.0 μm has the smallest hardness, wear resistance and flexual strength value. Size 0.3 μm has the highest result for density, hardness, modulus sonic, coefficient thermal expantion, wear resistance and flexual strength but has small value for modulus elastic.