Half Integer Magnetic Monopole And Dyon Configurations Of The Su(2) Yang-Mills-Higgs Theory

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Ban Loong, Ng
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A rich spectrum of magnetic monopole and dyon configurations has been discovered in the SU(2) Yang-Mills-Higgs (YMH) theory when the non-Abelian gauge group SU(2) is spontaneously broken by the Higgs field into the Abelian group U(1). However, most of the topological soliton solutions discussed in literature are of integer topological charges and the works on one-half monopole and dyon are very limited. A brief review on topological objects is presented in this thesis to provide the basis knowledge and theoretical background about magnetic monopoles and dyons. In this thesis, the existence of the one-half integer magnetic monopole and dyon solutions are investigated in the context of SU(2) YMH theory which is also known as the Georgi-Glashow model. Apart from filling the vacancy of this category of solution, our primary objective is to gain deeper insights and understandings of the possible structure, behavior and properties of these topological objects at the classical level. In searching for such topological soliton solutions, choosing a suitable magnetic ansatz is paramount to solve the second order equations of motion which are a system of nonlinear partial differential equations. Generally, the solution can be obtained either analytically or numerically, but sometimes we find that the solution is simply nonexistent. The first numerical solution that obtained in the series of axially symmetric one-half topological charge configurations is the one-half monopole. Interestingly, this one-half monopole can co-exist with a ’t Hooft-Polyakov monopole of opposite magnetic charge in the one and a half monopoles configuration. Although both these solutions possess singular gauge potentials, their total energies are finite. In addition, these solutions possess zero net magnetic charge and non-vanishing magnetic moment. Following the Julia-Zee method, both the solutions can carry electric charges and become a dyon solution. The magnetic moment and angular momentum of these electrically charged configurations are non-vanishing, hence they are able to rotate in the presence of an external magnetic field. Finally, both the aforementioned electrically neutral configurations are further analyzed by the way of Cho decomposition and the resulting outcomes are compared with that of ’t Hooft- Polyakov monopole and one monopole-antimonopole pair solutions. It can be concluded that both the solutions of one-half magnetic monopole charge are indeed non-Bogomol’nyi-Prasad- Sommerfield (non-BPS) solutions and their gauge potentials are singular only along one-half of the z-axis.
Magnetic Monopole , Dyon Configurations