Biosorption and Bioreduction of Hexavalent Chromium by Low Cost Adsorbents

dc.contributor.authorSeng, Chye Eng
dc.description.abstractIn the first part of this study, biosorption of Cr(VI) onto dried activated sludge, activated rice husks and activated sawdust were investigated. The equilibrium data were found to fit well into the isotherm equations of Langmuir, Freundlich and Redlich-Peterson for single metal system. In the presence of Cu(II) as co-ion, antagonistic effect on biosorption of Cr(VI) was observed. It was observed that the bioreduction of Cr(VI) was dependent on the type of biosorbents. The second part of the study involves the evaluation on the effects of Cr(VI) and Ni(II) in individually and in combination on the simultaneous removal of chemical oxygen demand (COD), nitrogen and . metals under sequencing batch reactor operation. Simultaneous presence of 50%Ni(II) and 50%Cr(VI) up to 20 mgIL resulted in system failure due to the significant inhibition on the biosorption, bioaccumulation and bioreduction processesen_US
dc.titleBiosorption and Bioreduction of Hexavalent Chromium by Low Cost Adsorbentsen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US