Observing The Limit Of Oscillation In Autocatalytic Reaction System
Nordin, Mohammad Juhairi
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Universiti Sains Malaysia
Autocatalytic reaction was one of the reactions where the concentrations of
reactants intermediates form as products with periodicity. The presented by this thesis
was using the Brusselator model which was one of the autocatalytic reaction systems.
Autocatalysis has been widely explored in the form of models for the origin of life as a
basis for self-organization. Chemical oscillation was analogous to oscillation where
autocatalysis replaces positive feedback. In general, these reactions proceed evenly with
varying the rates until at one point where it reaches equilibrium. Complex dynamical
phenomena such as bistability, oscillations, deterministic instability, and random forming
of spatial patterns or waves may occur in autocatalytic systems, which were undesirable
in chemical production. The differentiation between first order and higher-order
autocatalysis proved to be extremely useful. Both situations in which a single
autocatalytic particle was active on the reactant side were classified as first-order