Dewatering method for food and kitchen waste
Nur Zawani Syifaa Mohd Muzaini
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Reduction of waste from the household can decrease the dependency and burden to
landfills. Dewatering process is a method to separate liquid particles in food and kitchen
scrap in order to reduce the amount of free and bound water appear in the component
of food and plant. The purpose of the study is to determine the ability of domestic spin
dryer to reduce the percentage of moisture content of kitchen waste by applying
centrifugal force. The waste disposer used to break down the size of particles simplify
separation process of liquid particles in solid particles. Type of typical food and kitchen
waste in Malaysia are used as parameter in this project. Comparison of moisture level
before and after dewatering process is determined to identify the different amount of
moisture remain in waste after 5 minutes shredding and dewatering process. The waste
loss during dewatering process also determined as an indicator of the effectiveness of
this process in reducing the production of waste from source. The significant reduction
about 50% -80% from initial weight of waste after 5 minutes dewatering shows this
system is able to decrease waste production from the kitchen before being dumped to
landfill. The product comes out from dewatering process can be decomposed and used
in animal feeding production. The reaction of waste during composting process is
observed to analyze the comparison of microbial growth during composting raw waste
and dewatered waste. Based on the reduction of waste and composting, the dewatered
process was considered as a suitable method used in solid waste managemen