Fabrication Of Submicron Hemt Mushroom Gate Structure Using Electron Beam Lithography And Its Characterization
Yusof, Ashaari
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In this research study, 200 run gatelength HEMT gate structures with
mushroom-shaped profile have been designed, fabricated and characterized. This
allows HEMT to operate in frequencies suitable for microwave and millimeter-wave
telecom applications. Gate design consisting of a lOx 10 array of 10 individual gate
strips was used as basis for patterning. Throughout the fabrication step, standard
semiconductor processes such as electron beam lithography, wet etching, metal
deposition and lift-off process were used. Electron beam dose optimization method
was employed, in which variable dose values were expesed on PMMA tri-Iayer resist
system based on the gate design. Subsequently, the HEMT gate structures were
characterized using SEM, AFM and FIB. It was found that at central beam dose of
192 IlC/cm2
, gate lengths of 200 run have been achieved. The mushroom effect has
been successfully constructed based on the cross-sectional analysis. Additionally,
Schottky contact between gate metal and HEMT epi-Iayers has been obtained. The
HEMT n+ GaAs Cap layer was recessed for 40 run and TilPti Au gate metal stack
was deposited to create the Schottky contact. The calculated Schottky contact barrier
height, th, between the gate metal stack and AIGaAs Supply layer, was found to be
0.65 eV.
Mushroom Gate Structure , Using Electron Beam Lithography