The Design and implementation of fortran profiler
Soo Chai, Yeoh
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The aain a.1.m of the project is to design and impleaent a
systea facility to enhance the debugging capability of the
exiting FORTRAN debugging features. This facility is known as
FORTBAN .PBOFILEB. Such a protile.r will provide Fortran p.rograa
user with various run-tiae statistics on the e~ecution of his (or
her) p.rogra.a. These run-time statistics includes the frequency
counts of statement execution, variabl.e (and array) referencing
and calls. Such inforaation will te extreaely useful
fo.r debugging and OJ:timising of n difficult n prograas. A trace
facility is also included to enhance the bug dectection
capability of the profiler.
The designing and implementing part of the profiler"based
mainly on the concepts ot !odular Prog.ramming , Classical
Debugging and Basic block. !he insufficient debugging features
available in current computer installation , especially in
Scientific applicat.1.on a .tea , forms the basic idea of
iaplementing this Rrofiler. like the techniques of
Coapaction of program statement, Decoding of prograa key words,
and Classification of statement bloc~ are used in implementing
the features of the Profiler. Lastly programming language , PL/I
is cbos~ as the implementing language for its general and multi
purpose application language.
Fortran profiler