Design, Fabricate and Test a Solid Propellant Rocket Motor
Kamarul Arifin Ahmad
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In this paper we summarize the work done on experimental solid propellant at lab-scale in
order to develop an alternative source for solid propulsion application. The propellants that we are
concerned with comprise Potassium Nitrate and Ferric Oxide embedded in a binder such as epoxy. The
influence of epoxy mixing ratio on the samples density was observed in the experiment. <l:>servation
on the crack surface of the cured propellants was done using scanning elect ron microscope ( S:M). Two
solid propellant grain configurations were casted in this experiment to study their influences on the
performance in term of thrust produced. Non-destructive test (X-ray radiography) was used for the
understanding of the cured propellant internal structure. Thrust curvesoftheexperimental solid
propellants obtained in statictest were presented in this paper