A Simulation Model Of The Maintenance Cycle Of Royal Malaysian Navy Ships

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Currently, the planning arId scheduling of Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) ships for preventive maintenance routine, i.e. Slipping, DED and Refit at shipyard, is done based on the existing policy cycle which has the constraint that a maximum of 1/3 of the total number of ships could undergo maintenance routine at shipyard at anyone time. Unfortunately in actual practice, i. e. the actual time taken to go through the cycle is usually more than that of the existing policy cycle due to various reasons. As a result of this, RMN run into difficulties in the planning and scheduling of ships for preventive maintenance routine as well as operational requirement. There is therefore a need to study ways to overcome this problem. In this research, we determine whether the existing policy cycle can be followed. If the existing policy cycle cannot be followed due to unavoidable factors, then a simulation model is to be developed to propose a new cycle based on the previous available data so that planning and schedul ing of ships for maintenance routines as well as operational requirement could be carried out more efficiently and effectively. In addition, we will also determine the average time each ship spent waiting in\the queue for maintenance routine, and the effect of increasing the total number of ships on the total cycle time. The 95 % confidence interval for mean time estimate of the Refit, OED/Slipping, Operational time, average waiting time and total cycle time are also studied using simulation approach.
A Simulation Model Of The Maintenance Cycle , Of Royal Malaysian Navy Ships