'Development of a physico~chemical treatment system for a semi-aerobic leachate from domestic solid waste landfill~case study at Pulau Burung Landfill Site (PBLS)'
Abdul Aziz, Prof. Madya. Dr. Hamidi
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The research was conducted to determine the main leachate quality parameter
from semi-aerobic landfill site, focussing at Pulau Burung landfill site as a
case study area and then to treat the leachate by filtration columns using
limestone as media of filtration. The main focus was to remove difficult
parameters in leachate, namely suspended solids (SS), COD and metals. A
physico-chemical filtration unit was developed in the field for this purpose.
Efficiencies of the filter unit in treating leachate was examined and the
optimum design parameters ofthe filter unit will be established.
The up-flow filtration model was set-up at PBLS to examine the suitability of
limestone, activated carbon and their combinations in removing SS, BOD,
COD, Cu, Zn,Cd,Pb, Cr, Fe and NH3-N. Internal diameter of filter column
was.150-mmand the filtration depth was ranged from 200 to 800-mm. Two
range of particle size was chosen, Le., between 2-4-mm and 4-6.7-mm. The
limestone filter used contains high percentage of calcium carbonate (above
90%) and the density was 2740 kg/m3 for 2-4-mm particle size and 2,660
kg/m3 for 4-6.7-mm particle size. This is equivalent to 49% and 52% of void
ratio for 2-4.,.mm and 4-6.7-mm particle size, respectively. Flow rates were
ranged between 50 to 150 mUmin for 2-4-mm particle size of limestone, and
100 mL/min for 4-6.7-mm limestone. Raw leachate was pumped directly to
the filters. Controlled parameters were organic and metals loading (flow rates
and retention time), input pH, filter depth and particle size of limestone
Civil Engineering