Characterization and personalization of learners in hajj tutoring system using rule-based reasoning
Kamaruddin, Hawariah
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Human tutor is a person who gives guidance and assistance to their learners
according to the tutor's knowledge. When dealing with human as a tutor, there are a
few negative factors to consider such as emotional, time limitation, various level of
knowledge and non-standardize learning. The positive side of human tutor is the
human affection and the instant feedback given by the tutor which the computer
could not beat. Advancement in the electronic education or electronic learning
requires more research to be conducted to suit the learning needs of learner or
students. This dissertation presents a method on how to personalize the tutoring
process based on learner's characteristics and capabilities. The learner will be able to
learn more effectively due to the personalization of the learning process based on the
learners need. There are many existing electronic education in various domain but
the learning style is general for every user and do not take into consideration the
users c~pabilities. This dissertation will cater for the diversity of learners for learning
lbadah Hajj and Umrah, motivate them by learning needs and to measure
performance in order to determine the learning needs. This proposed work applies
intelligent tutorin.g. concept in student model by identifying the learners learning style .
A mechanism of personalization of the learning process based on learners learning
style will be presented. Rule-based reasoning technique will be used in the
implementation of the system. The method to identify the learners learning style is
by identifying the learner's characteristics. (personal data or background) and their
capabilities in term of knowledgeable. A mechanism to personalize according to
appropriate learning style grouping based on these 2 identifiers is measured. The
users are personalize in three groups of iearning style. Group 1, 2 and 3 are low,
medium and high respectively in the learner's characteristics and capabilities. The
learning style consists of learning needs and learning method which are the elements
being identified by a survey.
Rule-based reasoning , Tutoring system