Cadangan Carta Kawalan Teguh Purata Bergerak Berpembera Teksponen Untuk Varians Proses

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Fern Fern, Lim
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In this study, we suggest an approach for the monitoring of the process variance of the data which contain outliers. The chart which is usually used in the monitoring of the process variance for contaminated data is the RQ chart. However, this chart is less sensitive in the detection of outliers involving small variance. To overcome this sho11coming, the EWMASRQ chart is proposed. The EWM.ASRQ chart is a good alternative in the monitoring of the process variance for contaminated data, i.e., those that contain outliers. Outliers consist of observations whose values are larger or smaller than most of the data in a process. The presence of the outliers indicate the occurrence of out-of-control signals which must be detected by a control chart. The control limits of the EWMASRQ chart are based on the interquartile range estimator, hence they are less affected by outliers. Thus, the distance of the limits of the EWMASRQ chart will not be stretched by the presence of outliers in a process. This makes the proposed EWMASRQ chart sensitive in the detection of outliers. The performance of the EWMASRQ chart will be evaluated for four different cases that will be discussed later. Examples that show how the EWMASRQ chart is used in real situations will also be given.
Mathematics , Process control -- Statistical methods