Kajian simulasi pengumpul suria air panas

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Balbir Singh A/L Mahinder Singh
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The simulation concept is not something new in the scientific world. A method once considered as impractical and expensive is now considered a must for solving problems theoretically. The success of an experiment predicted b using the thumb rule is now obsolete, where more accurate estimation is obtained b using computer simulation . . Simulation carried out in this research is pertaining to e designing of a flat - plate collector at an optimum level. Simulation is done by aid of a self written programme, input data for the main parameters of a particular design, the meteorological data and a digital computer. The optical and thermal modules are integrated together by using an energy balance equation to produce a model for simulation. If the efficiency level obtained is not satisfactory, than the parameters are changed and simulated under the same weather condition. The first part of this research w s done to investigate the role played by all the main components of a flat-plate collect r. The .main components here refer to the top covers, absorber plate, tubes or pipes a d heat insulators. The results obtained are displayed in diagrams and from observation , these components do play a major role in the efficiency level achieved. This is ·especially true because the variations done to parameters related to these components effect the performance of a particular design. After the contributions for each component is recognised, then three different designs based on the different materials used for absober plate is tested. Materials selected were copper, aluminium and galvanized iron. By taking the performance, cost and weight factors of the absorber plate into consideration, the material selected was aluminium. To further analyse the performance of this design various locations were selected for testing. Meteorological data for Bayan Lepas, Cameron Highlands, Senai I and Subang was used to determine the level of efficiency achieved by the flat-plate collectors at these sites. The highest average daily efficiency level recorded was at Bayan Lepas area that is 63.7 %for the year 1994. On the o her hand, the highest average hourly efficiency was also obtained at the same location, hat is 72.8 % for the mouth of February 1994. The highest difference in temperature o the inlet and outlet fluid was 61.2 °C. This can' be considered as a success for simulation method and it is a contribution towards energy saving.
Pengumpul suria air panas