Improving The Traditional Method Of Producing Parboiled Rice

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A problem in the preparation of parboiled r1ce by a traditional method as carried out in one of the r1ce mills in Kedah 1S that the operation is rather time - consuming. This 1S especially attributed to the long soaking time employed (about 3 days). Apart from this, it produces a rather smelly product unacceptable to many people. The aim of the project was to investigate various ways of improving the method, By a water-absorption procedure, it ~as found. that for the variety of padi used. Mat can~u it took only about 15 hours soaking at ambient pressure and temperature for water to reach the centre of the grain. A relatively satisfactory parboiled rice was prepared by only 15 hours soaking. Another attempt was the use of benzoic acid to inhibit putrefactive changes during prolonged cold soaking. It was found that the use of a rather low level of benzoic acid in the soaking water (800 p.p.m.) could prevent putrefaction for at least 3 days. All preparations of parboiled rice were followed by analyses to ascertain the quality of the products. These included milling tests, chemical analysis for the B vitamins (B l and B 2 ) as well as evaluation of the cooked rice. Various aspects of the complications that may arise in the implementation of the findings on a large scale processing are also discussed.
Improving The Traditional Method , Of Producing Parboiled Rice