Microwave sintering of bioceramic 3D scaffold produced by foam replica method

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Nadia Amira Noryazi
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β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) is used as main body to produce porous ceramic scaffold fabrication. Scaffolds produced by β-TCP suitable with human body and serve as template for cell interactions and formation of new tissue. In this study, porous β-TCP was produced via polymer replication method. Polyurethane (PU) sponge was selected as the template and synthetic binder, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and polyethylene glycol (PEG) were used in this study. PU sponge with 30 ppi and 60 ppi size were cut and impregnated in slurry and sintered using microwave and conventional methods. The bulk density were measured using a formula of mass per volume. Compression test was performed on porous 60 ppi TCP to determine the compressive strength. The results obtained indicate that microwave method and 60 ppi template pore size of without binder contribute to high density (2.53 kg/cm3 and 4.23 kg/cm3 ) and high compressive strength (0.18 MPa and 0.14 MPa) of porous β-TCP scaffolds. It is found that high pore per inch size of starting template produced porous β-TCP scaffolds with high compressive strength due to the thick strut and small pore size of porous β-TCP. Microwave method produced porous β-TCP with high compressive strength due to the high densification into the open pores during the sintering process. Porous β-TCP impregnated with binder and without binder were prepared and characterized. It is observed that compressive strength and toughness of β-TCP scaffolds without binder is higher than bindered porous β-TCP scaffolds at 1300 o C. Porous β-TCP scaffolds sintered with microwave exhibit higher compressive strength (0.18 MPa) as temperature increase at 1300 o C and as compared to porous β-TCP sintered with conventional (0.08 MPa).