Spectrum analysis of the production of dates in the Republic of Yemen
Balhuwaisl, Mohammed Ahmed Salem
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This study attempts to analyse the fluctuations in the production of date palm in the
Republic of Yemen within a period of eighteen years. These fluctuations are due to natural
and random factors. The study also aims to predict the production in the next five years
The spectrum analysis model was employed to analyse this problem. The results obtained
by using this model are presented in tables, charts, and graphs which highlight the
changes in date palm production over that period of time.
The results of the study indicate that the coefficient of determination between time and
date palm production was initially weak. This relation cannot be utilised as a good
predictor for the changes in production. On the contrary, the coefficient of determination
between time and date palm production improved gradually using the spectrum analysis
model which involves the addition of three components. Each component included specific
parts of different natural and random factors which influence the date palm production.
These factors are temperature, relative humidity, rain, light, wind and so forth.
The strong improvement in the coefficient of determination between time and production
allows the data to be used to explain the relationship between production of date palms
and seasonal fluctuations within a period of eighteen years (1985-2002). Similarly, it was
predicted that the production will improve in the next five years (2003-2007). This
prediction was based on the results obtained from the addition of the third component in
the spectrum analysis model
The fluctuations in the production of date palm , in the Republic of Yemen