Incorporating flood risk study and its impacts on society in the environmental impact assessment.

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Samsurijan, Mohamad Shaharudin
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EIA is an essential process in minimizing the adverse environmental impact and to ensure sustainable land use. In Malaysia, under Section 34A, Environmental Quality Act 1974, the EIA was made compulsory for any project that can be a threat to the environment. AU EIA reports require approval from the Department of Environment prior to the project commencement. This study argues that land use change for agriculture and logging in Kelantan has a direct connection on the approved EIA. There are two (2) objectives of this study, first is to identify a list of EIA reports that have been previously approved in Kelantan since 2000 to 2015; and secondly is to analyze the EIA reports embracing the trends of approval, the type of project, territory involved, the consultant involved, the time of approval, potential impacts and mitigation measures. To date, a total of 222 EIA reports have been approved in Kelantan. The results showed a notable increment in the approval trend of EIA reports.
Environment impact assessment , land use change , floods risk , Agriculture , Deforestation