A study of the use of different electrode array for electrical imaging surveys

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Sh. Saeed AI-Ani, Abdul Nassir
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The 2D geoelectrical imaging surveying is an effective technique used to delineate and mar different geological and subsurface features. In this survey, fine tomographic details for the scannec area Can. be derived form data sets arranged and contoured in a form of resistivity pseudosection. New field techniques have been developed which increase the horizontal coverage and the measured-voltage signal of different electrode arrays used for electrical tomogrophy surveys. P modification was made on the roll-along survey technique, which increased the number of datum poin gathered and thus reduce the time taken by this survey. The Multi-scale survey technique was developed which increases the speed and accuracy 0 the field survey by discretizing the surveying area in to a fine grid in order to increase the resolution 0 the resulting section. In this technique, the horizontal·coverage of the array used is further increased and information from different depth levels of the surveyed area was obtained. The voltage to noise ratio of the different arrays used in the electrical tomography survey were further improved by injecting the maximum current possible and increasing the duty time of th, current signal used. The measured-voltage signals and resolution of the Pole-Dipole, Dipole-Dipole and Wenner-Schlumberger were further improved by using multiple potential dipole lengths. Th( results from the inversion of the field data sets indicate that the use of multiple potential dipole length is an effective technique in increasing the resolution of the resulting resistivity pseudosection.
The use of different electrode array , For electrical imaging surveys