Education services mashup: examining the impact of proposed edSeM system features on user's trust

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Yew Hiok, Chan
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Online trust is growing in importance. This dissertation investigates the determinants and the role of students' trust on an online educational services website. It examines the students' perception of trust on a website and addresses several key research questions including, whether the interaction and customer relationship influence students' trust, and whether website design and security/privacy could affect the level of trust. To address these issues, we develop a conceptual framework that links students' perceptions of website characteristics and trust towards their behavioural intent to the website. After testing our hypotheses, it was found that website characteristics such as interaction and customer relationship, privacy and security, and navigation account for 71.7% of this explained variance in website trust. The results offer important managerial implications for website strategies to influence website trust to support students' behaviour towards the use of the website. Key Words: Interaction, Customer relationship, Navigation, Website security, Privacy, Online trust.
Edsem system features on user's trust