Influence of blast designs on air blast and vibration induced in subsurface granite quarry blasting using statistical modelling
Ollemadthee Kunasagaran
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This research deals with air blast and vibration measurements of subsurface granite quarry in Juru,Penang and the predictability of air blast and vibration by using statistical analysis. This research was initiated to address to the lack of predictor formulas for these effects of blasting especially air blast pressure and in the field of subsurface quarry in Malaysia. Blasting is an inseparable part of the rock fragmentation process in hard rock mining. According to Mineral and Geoscience Department reports, air blast and not ground vibration are two of the main causes of complaints surrounding quarry area resulting from blasting. These two blast effects may impact the human and structures in adjacent to blasting area. This study was designed to evaluate various methods utilized by the industry for predicting air blast and vibration, as well as to determine if air blast and vibration prediction is a realistic method to assure compliance with Malaysian blasting standards. To prevent adverse and undesirable effects of blasting on surrounding areas, air blast-overpressure (AOp) and vibration induced is constantly considered by blast designers in determining the blast parameters. Consequently, many attempts have been made to establish empirical correlations to predict and subsequently control the effects. However, current correlations only investigate a few influential parameters, whereas there are many blast parameters in producing high air blast vibration. Therefore, using regression analysis from SPSS, estimation models for blast vibration and air blast respectively are proposed.