X-ray Structural characterization of bioactive compounds from medicinalplants : Premna Obtusifolia and Cratoxylum Formosum ssp. Pruniflorum.

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Ibrahim, Abdul Razak
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Single crystal X-ray diffraction offers a complete approach to structural analysis. X-ray diffraction is the Only technique which provides the complete three dimensional structures of the chemical compounds. The formation of supramolecular arrangement in crystal structures is indeed important not just for the Construction of larger structures, this non-covalent bond assisted arrangement possess unique physical And chemical properties. In this research, the molecular and crystal structure of the medicinal plants Which are Premna obtusifojia (Verbenaceae) and Cratoxy/um formosum ssp. Pruniflorum are studied. Apart from this, other medicinally important compounds are also synthesized and their crystal structures Are also examined. Belauan sinar-X hablur tunggal memberikan pendekatan yang lengkap untuk analisis struktur. belauan sinar-X adalah satu-satunya teknik yang memberikan struktur tiga dimensi yang lengkap sesuatu sebatian. Pembentukan susunan supramolekul dalam struktur hablur sememangnya penting bukan hanya untuk pembinaan struktur besar, susunan yang dibantu oleh ikatan tak kovalen memiliki ciri-ciri fizikal dan kinia yang unik. Dalam penyelidikan ini, struktur molekul dan hablur tumbuhan berubat iaitu Premna obtusifolia (Verbenaceae) dan Cratoxylum formosum ssp. pruniflorum telah dikaji.
Single crystal structure , Struktur hablur tunggal , Supra molecular structure , Struktur supramolekul , Medicinal compound , Sebatian berubat