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- PublicationAgro-Based Catalyst Systems For Converting Palm Based Oils With High Fatty Acids And Water Contents Into Methyl Esters(0008-12)Ganesan, ShangeethaPresent work focuses on producing a dual catalyst system to esterify fatty acids and . transesterify triglycerides into methyl esters in the presence of methanol. Firstly, boiler ash sourced from waste empty fruit bunches of the palm oil industry was characterized and used as a pseudo-homogeneous base catalyst for transesterification of palm olein. Boiler ash successfully transesterified palm olein at mild reaction conditions (3 wt.% dried boiler ash, 15: 1 methanol : oil molar ratio, methanol refluxing temperature and reaction time of 0.5 b) to produce 90% methyl esters. Calcium oxide (calcined at 900 oe for 2 h) was added to boiler ash in order to increase the free fatty acids and water tolerance of boiler ash for transesterification of low quality oils. A mixture of boiler ash-calcium oxide was found to be able to tolerate 3 wt.% water and 4 wt.% free fatty acids.
- PublicationThe effects of sublethal doses of carbaryl on the biology of Dysdercus cingulatus (Fabr.)(Hemiptera; Heteroptera; Pyrrhocoridae(1976)Chung Gait FeeThe effects of sublethal doses of carbaryl on the biology of Oysdercus cingulatus (Fabr.) were investigated in the laboratory. The comparative toxicity of carbaryl against various life-stages of Q. cingulatus (Fabr.) as shown by L050 value was found to be first instar < second instar < third instar < fourth instar < adult male < fifth instar< adult female < gravid female, in increasing order.
- PublicationSome Biochemical Aspects Of Tyrosine Aminotransferase (L-Tyrosine: 2-Oxoglutarate Aminotransferase, E.C. (TAT) In The Stages Of Development Of Aedes Aegypti Linnaeus(1976-04)Chan Guat LianThe variation of tyrosine-2-oxoglutarate amino-transferase (EC., TAT and soluble protein was charted throughout the postembryonic development and young adult growth of the mosquito, Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus).•. A close correspondence between the enzyme activity and soluble protein content was observed during the immature stages of development. Peak transaminase activity was encountered in· the middle fourth larval instar followed by a decline in activity prior to pupation. At its maximum activity, the insect enzyme compared well with the adult rat liver enzyme in activity. The larval enzyme appeared to exhibit a diurnal rhythm of activity characterized by a steady increase in activity from 0600 hours to reach maximum activity at 24 hours.
- PublicationPermainan Tradisional Randai Di Lenggeng Negeri Sembilan(1978)Mohd Nor, AzizahAkibat dari beberapa sebab yang tidak diketahui permainan Randai yang pada masa dahulu begitu populor telah hilang begitu sahaja tanpa diketahui oleh jenerasi kini. Oleh sebab itu saya dapati memang kurang sekali catatan-catatan mengenainya. Tambahan pula jarang sekali saya temui orang-orang tua yang betul-betul mengetahui mengenai Randai. Keadaan ini menimbulkan masalah kepada saya bagi mengkaji Randai secara mendalam.
- PublicationEnvironmental Impact Analysis Application Of Environmental Systems Models In The Georgetown-Butterworth Chanel Zone(1979-08)Chan, Huan ChiangThe matrix is used by checking each action that is likely to be involved significantly in a particular human activity by making a slash diagonally from the top right to the bottom left of the appropriate cells. The upper left hand corner is used to indicate the magnitude of impact by a value from 1-10. Similarly the lower right corner is used to indicate the importance of the impact also ty a value from 1-10.
- PublicationChemical Isolation, Characterization And Biological Properties Of Some Native Remedies(1979-12)Tze-Fung, Yvonne TanA preliminary microbiological screening was performed on five local Malaysian herbs which were claimed to possess certain medicinal values. These herbs were the pods of Abelmoxhue eeoulentue, the flowers of Hibieeue rosaeineneie, the plants of Mimosa pudica, the leaves of Parkia javaniaa and the leaves of Pel.tophoxum ptierocarpum, Abelmoxhus eecul.entue was the only herb that exhibited no antibacterial activity at the doses tested while the rest of the four herbs showed promising results in their antibacterial activity by both ditch-plate and hole-plate methods. Results from the bioassay of herbal extracts and antibiotics (Potassium Penicillin V and Streptomycin Sulphate) showed linear relationships in the dose response curves, however, due to lack of parallelism between the standards and extracts used, it indicated that the herbal extracts might possess a different antibacterial mode of action as that of the standard antibiotics.
- PublicationEducational media in secondary schools : an examination of existing facilities and the relationships between selected teachervariables and media utilization(1980-02)Fatimah Abu BakarThis study seeks to empirically establish the status of media setting in schools, the rcIat ionships between media utilisation and certain teacher variables known to influence media utilisation and the barriers to media use perceived by teachers. Setting for media use consisted of media equipment and materials collections, presence of media related facilities and nature of media related services provided. Teacher variables chosen were teachers' professional characteristics.
- PublicationThe Ulamas As Political Elites: A Case Study of The Madurese Ulamas(1980-04)Santoso, AmirThis thesis examines: the emergence of ularnas as political elites in Maduras the bases of their elite statuss their positions and role in the NU, the challenges that they are confronted with and their responses.
- Publication"Holff's Philosophical Anarchism - An Analysis"(1980-08)Tan Kuan AwThis thesis begins with an Introduction which briefly describes the two basic theses of Wolff's position. Firstly, Wolff argues that political authority cannot be justified on moral grounds because there lS an irresolvable conflict between political authority and autonomy - man's fundamental moral duty. Secondly, he argues that no political theory can succeed in resolving this problem and in particular classical / democratic theory has failed to do so. Hence Wolff concludes that political authority must be rejected and anarchism is the only conclusion left for a rational man.
- PublicationAngkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM)(1982)Ariffin, KamaruzamanIlham untuk menubuhkan Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ASIM) telah mula wujud pada bulan Ogos tahun 1969. Pergerakan ini telahpun dilancarkan pada bulan Julai 1970 oleh sekumpulan belia islam yang telah menjalani persediaan yang lama dan lengkap sebagai pekerja-pekerja islam di universiti-universiti dan maktab tempatan dan luar negeri. Hanya pada tahun 1971 ianya ditubuhkan secara rasmi dan didaftarkan di bawah undang-undang Malaysia dimana Sdr. Anwar Ibrahim adalah orang yang pertama memimpin ABIM sehinggalah beliau meletak jawatan pada tahun 1982 untuk bertanding dalam pilihanraya sebagai calon Bartisan Nasional.
- PublicationRancangan Tempatan : Pengalaman United Kingdom Dan Implikasi Penggunaan Di Malaysia(1986-03)Hew King HsienProjek penyelidikan ini bertujuan mendedahkan ciri-ciri dari penggunaan sesuatu alat perancangan guna tanah yang baru iaitu rancangan tempatan. Dengan menjaLankan ulasan terhadap ciri-ciri dan pengaLaman penggunaan di United Kingdom, dan menghubungkannya dengan keadaan di malaysia iaitu keperluan resmi mengenai penyediaan, bentuk, kandungan dan pengGunaan rencangan tempatan. Penyelidikan ini cuba menjeLaskan arah yang patut diikuti oleh rancangan tempatan di Malaysia supaya masalah dan kelemahan di United Kingdom tidak akan diulangi lagi.
- PublicationSociological And Legal Implications Of The Implementation Of Islamic Family Law In Malaysia(1987)ed. Wazir, J. Karim
- PublicationPerkembangan Kaedah Kromatografi Bagi Penentuan Klorproguanil Dan Klorsikloguanil Di Dalam Plasma(1990-12)Mahmud, LatifahKaedah-kaedah kromatografi cecair dan gas yang baru telah dimajukan bagi penentuan klorproguanil dan metabolitnya, klorsikloguanil dalam plasma. Drug-drug berkenaan berserta proguanil sebagai piawai dalaman telah diekstrak daripada plasma melalui kaedah pengekstrakan fasa pepejal pada penjerap ODS (CIS) dengan dielusikan oleh metanol yang mengandungi 0.01 % dietilamina-asid asetik. Purata peratus pengembali bagi klorproguanil melalui pengekstrakan ini adalah (85 + 3.6) % dengan pekali ubahan 4.2 % manakala bagi klorsikloguanil pula adalah (60.2 ± 3.9) % dengan pekali ubahan 6.6%.
- PublicationKajian Resonans Magnet Nukleus Denyut Dan Kalorimetri Penskanan Diferensial Ke Atas Retrogradasi Kanji(1992-11)Teo, Chin Hengsuatu kaedah NMR denyut yang cepat dan tak memusnah telah diperkembangkan untuk mengkaji retrogradasi kanji. Kaedah ini berdasarkan prinsip bahawa isyarat NMR dari komponen 'seperti pepejal' dan komponen cecair bagi sesuatu sistem menyusut pada kadar yang amat berbeza berikutan satu denyutan frekuensi radio 90°. Penghabluran semula dan persekutuan molekul kanji yang berlaku semasa penuaan gel kanji menyebabkan peningkatan komponen 'seperti pepejal' di dalam sistem. Sebaliknya, isyarat dari komponen cecair berkurangan. Kaedah ini telah digunakan untuk mengkaji kinetiks retrogradasi kanji-kanji dari asal usul botanikaI yang berlainan dan kelakuan retrogradasi campuran-campuran binari kanji. Persamaan Avrami telah.digunakan untuk mengkaji kinetiks retrogradasi.
- PublicationComputer-Assisted Evaluation Of Bacterial Susceptibility Patterns To Antibiotic Usage In District Hospital(1992-12)Yahaya, RuhaiyemA computer-based system developed using Dbase III Plus and Clipper Summer '87 runs on IBM PC/AT or its compatible was designed to assist in the evaluation of bacterial susceptibility pattern to antibiotic usage. 10,010 bacterial culture and sensitivity data from District Hospital Sungei Petani for the years 1986 to 1990 were processed by the system to study the susceptibility pattern of the various organisms isolated and then tested for correlation with antibiotic consumed during the five years.
- PublicationKesan Pendekatan Hayati-Amali Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Melayu Terhaadap Pemahaman Nilai Murni Dan Hubungkaitnya Dengan Amalan Dan Sikap Di Kalangan Pelajar Tingkatan 1(1993-03)Mahmud, Ab. RahmanKajian ini bertujuan melihat kesan pendekatan Hayati- Amali dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Melayu terhadap pemahaman nilai murni dan hubungkaitnya dengan amalan dan sikap di kalangan pelajar tingkatan satu. Ia dibahagikan kepada dua bahagian iaitu kajian eksperimen dan kajian pertalian. Secara khususnya kajian eksperimen bertujuan untuk membanding di antara pelajar- pelajar kumpulan eksperimen dengan kumpulan kawalan tentang pemahaman, amalan dan sikap terhadap.nilai murni. Kajian pertalian pula khususnya untuk melihat pertalian di antara pemahaman dengan amalan dan sikap pelajar terhadap nilai murni.
- PublicationSifat-Sifat Optik Filem Nipis Germanium Amorfus Tersejat(1993-03)Saw Kim GuanFilem nipis germanium amorfus dimendapkan pada kaca borosilikat melalui penyejatan vakum. Kesan ketebalan filem ke atas jurang optik, Eg, filem a-Ge yang dimendapkan pada suhu bilik dengan kadar cepat dan lambat dikaji dan dibandingkan.
- PublicationSatu Kajian Terhadap Ciri-Ciri Pengajaran Guru Yang Berkesan Melalui Analisis Hermeneutik(1993-03)Ab. Rahman Bin Abu BakarKajian ini adalah suatu analisis yang bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti ciri-ciri tingkahlaku pengajaran berkesan dalam bilik darjah. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam kajian ini ialah Kaedah Analisis Herrneneutik (Hermeneutic Analysis), iaitu satu modul yang telah diperkenalkan oleh Dr. K.L. Loganathan, dari Universiti Sains Malaysia dalam kajiannya mengenai Interaksi Bilik Darjah di Setengah Sekolah Rendah Luar Bandar di Malaysia (Classroom Interaction in Some Rural Primary School in Malaysia). 1989.
- PublicationSintesis Dan Pencirian Polimer-polimer Terbitan Daripada Getah Asli 50%-Terepoksida Dan Natrium 1,3,3,5,5, -Pentakis(Trifluoroetoksi) -1-Oksosiklotrifosfazenat(1993-04)Loo Swee ChowGetah asli SO%-terepoksida (ENR-SO) telah ditindakbalaskan dengan natrium 1,3,3,S,S-pentakis(trifluoroetoksi)-1-oksosiklotrifosfazenat (mononatrium fosfazenat) dalam 1,4- dioksana refluks. Polimer-polimer terbitan yang diperolehi daripada nisbah berat ENR-SO:mononatrium fosfazenat yang berlainan (1.00:0.50, 1.00:1.00, 1.00:2.00, 1.00:3.00, 1.00: 4.50 dan 1.00:5.50) didapati mempunyai nilai-nilai suhu peralihan kaca (Tg) yang lebih tinggi daripada nilai Tg ENR- 50. Walau bagaimanapun, kesemua polimer terbitan didapati larut dalam 1,4-dioksana, tetrahidrofuran dan etanol.
- PublicationA Study Of Corrosion Of Steels In Carbon Dioxide And Sulphide Solutions(1993-08)Abualmaali M. Y. TaherThe present investigation has been successful in resolving the controversy about CO2 corrosion of mild steel and 13% Cr martensitic stainless steel in brine solution with and without sulphur content. It has been observed that the corrosion behaviour of mild steel and 13% Cr stainless steel depends on the combination of CO2 pressure and sulphur content. The corrosion rate may increase or decrease depending upon a particular combination.