Pusat IPv6 Termaju Negara - Tesis


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  • Publication
    Providing Ubiquitous Positioning Using Context Aware Handover Algorithm
    Mohammod Sazid Zaman Khan
    This research aims to solve the problem of ubiquitous positioning by designing a context aware handover algorithm for positioning systems. The algorithm performs handover among positioning systems based on important contextual factors related to position determination with efficient use of battery. In addition, the design ensures that no positioning system is allowed to operate for an indefinite period of time without getting a position. The proposed solutions are implemented in an Android application named Locate@nav6.
  • Publication
    Behavioural Feature Extraction For Context-Aware Traffic Classification Of Mobile Applications
    Aun, Yichiet
    Traffic classification is becoming more complex due to proliferations of mobile applications coupled with growing diversity of traffic classes. This motivates the needs for improved traffic classification method that preserve classification accuracy while supporting more traffic classes. This thesis identified domain-specific features that are effective for accurate, large-scale and scalable mobile applications classification using machine learning techniques. This thesis designed a context-aware traffic classification framework that includes a set of sequential algorithms from cleaning datasets, to identifying new features and detecting optimal classifier(s) based on problem contexts to improve classification accuracy in multi-variate traffic classification.
  • Publication
    Cryptographic Authentication-Based Mechanism For Securing Secs/Gem Communications For Industry 4.0 Manufacturing
    Shams Ul Arfeen Laghari
    This thesis proposes SECS/GEM Security Mechanism (SGSM) that offers authentication, integrity, and protection against cyber-attacks. The proposed mechanism is compared with the standard SECS/GEM, Secured SECS/GEM, and SECS/GEMsec mechanisms in terms of processing time, control overhead, and resilience against cyber-attacks. The SGSM exhibited promising results, indicating that it effectively enabled SECS/GEM devices to only communicate with authorized industrial equipment, maintained message integrity, discarded forged messages, and prevented attacks such as Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks, Replay attacks, and False-Data-Injection-Attack (FDIA) attacks launched on SECS/GEM communications.
  • Publication
    Enhanced Trust-nd Protocol To Prevent Temporal Denial-of-service Vulnerabilities On Ipv6 Link-local Network
    Hasbullah, Iznan Husainy
    Trust-ND is a trust-based distributed security mechanism to secure IPv6 link-local networks as an alternative to the highly complex Secure Neighbor Discovery (SEND) protocol. However, theoretical analysis and experimental research revealed that the Trust-ND protocol is susceptible to temporal Denial-of-Service vulnerabilities due to timestamp reference, field size and format, and verification rule. This research aims to prevent temporal DoS vulnerabilities on IPv6 link-local networks by enhancing Trust-ND without jeopardizing its original structure to retain its advantages over SEND. The proposed enhanced version of Trust-ND, called eTrustND, addresses the vulnerabilities in three stages, (i) Timestamp Formulation, (ii) Enhanced Trust-ND, and (iii) Rule-based verification mechanism. The first stage changes the reference time from system time to UTC, the 24-hour time format in hexadecimal to epoch second in integer. It also increases the precision from one hundredth to one ten-thousandth second. The second stage utilizes the Trust-ND’s Reserved field for the sub-second value and changes the timestamp field data type from byte to IntField. The third stage proposes a rule-based verification mechanism to handle out-of-sync computer clocks, preventing temporal DoS vulnerabilities. The experiment results on a testbed demonstrate that eTrustND prevents temporal-based DoS vulnerabilities without jeopardizing the original Trust-ND packet structure and adding overheads (computation and bandwidth).
  • Publication
    Statistical-Based Mechanism For Detecting Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Ddos Attacks
    Ayman Ibrahim Ali Ghaben
    This thesis proposes an approach to detect HTTP flooding DDoS attacks on web servers. The proposed approach consists of five phases to achieve the goal of the research, as follows: (1) Data pre-processing, (ii) Aggregated packets attributes aim to aggregate the packets every (t) time based on three attributes which are (a) packet size, (b) regularity (inter arrival time), and (c) number of packets (iii) Anomaly-based detection using four indicators which are : (a) summation rows-columns, (b) Bayes- entropy, (c) skew of the packets distribution, and (d) Reynolds number) (iv) voting- based mechanism, and (v) statistical based mechanism. The proposed mechanism has been evaluated using two benchmark datasets (CIC DDoS and ISCX) and the results reveal that the detection accuracy rates are 96.03% and 94.28% when evaluated over CIC DDoS and ISCX datasets, respectively. Furthermore, the false positive rates are 14.28%, 10.00% when evaluated over those datasets.