Institut Farmaseutikal & Nutraseutikal Malaysia - Tesis
Recent Submissions
- PublicationComputational Design And Synthesis Of Potential Ns2b-Ns3 Dengue Protease Inhibitors(2024-06)Salin, Nurul HanimDENV2, the type of dengue virus commonly found in Southeast Asia, is a major public health concern. In week 6 of 2024, Malaysia reported with 3,631 dengue cases and 10 deaths due to DENV2, marking a 68.75 % increase from the same period in 2023, as reported by the World Health Organization (WHO). Despite the high number of cases, there is currently no clinically proven drug available to inhibit the virus replication, primarily due to the limited availability of 3D crystal structures of targetable protein-protein interactions for drug activation, including the NS2B-NS3 protease from DENV2 and West Nile virus (WNV). To address this issue, docking and pharmacophore modelling have been used with the ligands from DENV2 NS2B-NS3 protease and West Nile Virus. The Systematic Literature Review (SLR) analysis identified 9 active compounds from 2 types of in vitro DENV NS2B-NS3 protease assays i.e. 21 compound classes from cell-free-based assays and 9 compound classes from cell-based assays. 2 of the 9 scaffolds' molecules were identified as the best pharmacophore model based on their high Area Under the Curve (AUC) and Enrichment Factor (EF) values, which were close to 1 and 100% respectively, and were further used as a model for pharmacophore validation.
- PublicationModel of speed control electric wheelchair(2009-03-01)Lim, Ching ChinThe main objective of this project was to design and develop a speed control electric wheelchair’s model. The wheelchair’s model will be used to investigate the characteristic of a speed control electric wheelchair. The project consists of building the wheelchair’s model body, designing the electronic print circuit boards (PCBs), and writing the control system coding. The body consists of a wooden strip board that holds the motor gearbox and PCB boards. The embedded electronics consists of two microcontrollers, which are connected by an I2C bus. A pair of optical encoder was used for speed or position feedback and a LCD was used for user’s display and guidance. One ultrasonic sensor added for obstacle or object sensing. The user will control the wheelchair’s model through a RF wireless remote control. The system is designed for expandability, additional I2C device can be added to the I2C bus and additional sensor can be added to the unused pins of the microcontroller. The system works as expected; we are able to control the wheelchair’s model navigation properly. Through the encoder feedback, we are able to get the running speed in RPM or the distance run in cm for both drive wheels. The encoder readings were proved to be accurate by comparison with tachometer’s readings. As a conclusion, all objectives in this project are successfully achieved.
- PublicationIndustrialization And Work Values In Kedah, Penang And Great Britain: A Study From The Convergence-Divergence-Crossvergence Perspective(2021-08)Yap Chee YeongThe lack of discovery of the influence of industrialization on work values in Malaysian societies deters the further understanding of the reaction of Malaysians’ values to macro-level social changes. The review of prior studies shows that the influence of industrialization on work values is not consistent across societies, suggesting that it depends on the kind of society. This study aims to determine the Convergence-Divergence-Divergence (CDC) condition of work values in Malaysian societies to learn more about the influence of industrialization on Malaysians’ work values and the reaction of Malaysians’ values to macro-level social changes. In this context, work values are conceptualized into four dimensions: extrinsic work orientation, intrinsic work orientation, work centrality, and work-life balance. To test the convergence, divergence, and crossvergence hypotheses, the CDC framework was employed. 532 respondents from three regions with different extents of industrialization were involved. 175 Kedah respondents and 177 Penang respondents were recruited using convenience sampling through a face-to-face survey and an online survey, while 180 Great Britain respondents were obtained from secondary data. The responses were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney U Test and Kruskal-Wallis H Test. The results support the crossvergence hypothesis. Two out of four dimensions of work values in Penang do not differ significantly from that in Kedah and three out of four dimensions of work values in Penang do not differ significantly from that in Great Britain. This study suggests a verdict of crossvergence in work values in Malaysian societies. The extent of industrialization is influential on some dimensions of work values while some are not influenced. This implies that Malaysian societies are somewhere in the middle between adaptive and resistant when dealing with macro-level social changes.
- ItemAnalisis Data Graviti Dan Magnet Bagi Mengesan Struktur Batuan Dasar Di Kawasan Delta Sungai Pahang(Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2007-05)Khairul Arifin Mohd NohKajian ini adalah bertujuan bagi memodelkan dan menjelaskan struktur geologi, terutamanya batuan dasar melalui analisis medan keupayaan. Bagi tujuan tersebut, dua kaedah medan keupayaan telah digunakan iaitu kaedah graviti dan kaedah magnet. Dalam kajian ini, sebuah lembangan sedimen pesisir pantai telah dipilih sebagai lokasi kajian iaitu Delta Sungai Pahang yang berkedudukan di Pekan Pahang. Kajian ini melibatkan analisis data termasuklah penurunan, pelarasan dan pelicinan data. Dua kaedah pentafsiran terlibat dalam kajian ini iaitu pentafsiran secara kualitatif dan pentafsiran secara kuantitatif. Analisis dalam kajian ini dilakukan secara manual dan secara kendalian komputer dengan bantuan beberapa perisian komputer. Pentafsiran kualitatif adalah dirujuk secara terus berdasarkan peta kontur anomali yang dihasilkan, manakala pentafsiran kuantitatif adalah berdasarkan permodelan data. Hasil daripada pentafsiran secara kualitatif didapati anomali daripada kedua-dua kaedah medan keupayaan menunjukkan korelasi yang baik dengan memberikan bentuk yang serupa pada lokasi yang sama. Melalui pentafsiran kuantitatif, dengan permodelan matematik bersepadu bagi data graviti dan magnet dapat ditafsirkan bahawa lokasi kajian dibentuk oleh aktiviti batuan dasar, terutamanya rejahan basalt dan wujud fenomena metamorfisme sentuh. Kehadiran struktur rejahan basalt adalah seperti yang dijangkakan dalam pentafsiran secara kualitatif. Model daripada data magnet lebih menunjukkan keluasan kawasan rejahan, manakala model graviti lebih kepada lokasi rejahan individu dan penentuan zon metamorfisme sentuh. Pentafsiran keseluruhan kajian ini adalah dengan penggabungan rekod-rekod data geologi dan geofizik terdahulu.
- Item12724(Tng Chee, Chow)123456789/2Leadership is one of the most widely studied topics in the management literature. Contemporary researches preferred transformational leadership over transactional leadership with the belief that it is the dominant model of effective leadership when dealing with employees for desired outcomes.