Pusat Pengajian Sains Pergigian - Monograf


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    The 4th Regional Dental Meeting and Exhibition Medan, Indonesia 18-20 November 2009.
    (Pusat Pengajian Sains Pergigian, 2009)
    Sam'an Malik, Masudi
    Removing of smear layer is an essential step for endodontic success. Smear layer is formed during and after canal preparation. The aim of study was to compare the cleaning efficiency of smear layer using syringe irrigation method and using polymer-based rotary file for fluid agitation on prepared root canal surfaces under scanning electron microscope (SEM) study. A total of 32 extracted mandibular second premolar teeth were used. All teeth were randomly divided into two groups, Group I (01) and Group 2 (02). For irrigation, all teeth in 01 were irrigated alternate use of 5% NaOCI and 17% EDTA by irrigation syringe with 27-gauge needle. For 02 irrigation procedure was the same as 01, but for final irrigation, canal was filled with 5% NaOCl and polymer-based rotary file with the rotation speed of 600-900 rpm at 30s was used for agitation of fluid. All teeth in both groups were split longitudinally and prepared for SEM evaluation. The presence of smear layer was evaluated from photomicrographs at x!OOO magnification taken in the apical, middle and coronal third of the canal surfaces. A five category scoring system was used. Blind evaluation was performed by three trained observers for scoring. Statistical analysis was carried out using Mann-Whitney test. The result showed that smear layer score was statistically significantly lower after using polymer-based rotary file than after syringe irrigation. In conclusion using polymer-based rotary file is more efficient than syringe irrigation for smear layer removing especially on the apical third of the prepared canals.
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    Hypertension and its association with the severity of chronic periodontitis: a preliminary study
    (Pusat Pengajian Sains Pergigian Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2014)
    Mohamad, Wan Majdiah Wan
    Chronic periodontitis (CP) is an inflammatory disease of the supporting tissues of the teeth caused by specific microorganism.Hypertension is_one of the major causes cardiovascular disease --------nas recently drawn increasing attc~~1c11·be"ause of its potehtial relationship with cardiovascular disease. The objectives of this study were to detenmine the prevalence of the hypertension in CP patients as well as to evaluate the association between hypertension and severity of CP. One hundred and eighty five records of CP patients treated in Dental Clinic, Universiti Sains Malaysia Hospital (USM Hospital), Kelantan from 201 0 until 2013 were retrieved and reviewed. The diagnosis of periodontal disease and the presence of hypertension were recorded. The severity of chronic periodontitis was classified into mild, moderate and severe according to the clinical attachment loss. The data was obtained and analyzed using SPSS version 20.0. Majority of the subjects were from Malay ethnic group (94.4%) at the range age between 41 and 61 years (67.8%). In conclusion, the prevalence of hypertension in chronic periodontitis patients was 12.2%. There was no significant association between hypertension and seventy of CP (p=0.229).
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    Comparison of DNA extraction methods from dentine (of tooth) as a source of genetic material
    (Pusat Pengajian SainsPergigian, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2011)
    Ahmad, Azlina
    Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is a maternally inherited hereditary material locatt-d in mitochondria. Previous studies on mtDNA proved that the mutations are closely related with a number of genetic illnesses and exploitable for forensic identification. Those findings imply the importance of mtDNA in the scientific field. The mtDNA can be found in abundance in tooth dentin where it is being kept protected by the enamel, the hardest outer part of the tooth. In this study, two techniques of mtDNA extraction were compared to determine the efficacy between the two techniques. After the extraction of tooth, the tooth was kept at -20°C until use. Later, pulp tissue and enamel were excised out using dental bur and only the root dentin was utilized for the isolation of mtDNA by crushing it mechanically into powder form. The mtDNA was then extracted using the two published methods, Pfeiffer and Budowle and then subjected to spectrophotometry for DNA quantification and purity, Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of hypervariable-two region of mtDNA, followed by DNA sequencing to analyze the reliability of the extraction techniques. In conclusion, both techniques proved to be efficient and consistent for the extraction of mtDNA from tooth dentin.
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    Studies to investigate the prevalence of estrogen receptor polymorphism & its association alveolar bone loss & early tooth loss in postmenopausal women
    (Pusat Pengajian Sains Pergigian, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2006)
    Rehman, Asia
    Depletion of estrogen production and secretion in postmenopausal women may lead to rapid bone loss and decreased bone mineral density (BMD). Decreased systemic BMD may also affect oral bone particularly mandibular bone resorption. Although several environmental factors influence bone loss, genetic contribution particularly estrogen receptor gene (ERG) polymorphism had been reported. The objectives of this study were to investigate the distribution of ERG polymorphisms in postmenopausal Malay women (PMW) and to detect the association of the polymorphisms to alveolar bone resorption. Sixty four PMW were recruited from the Out Patient Dental Clinic, Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kelantan. Oral examination and alveolar bone resorption measurement were performed on these study subjects. Genotyping was done through the restriction cleavage of polymerase chain reactionamplified genomic DNA with the two restriction enzymes, Pvull and Xbal. Estrogen receptor genotypes were represented as P or p (Pvull) and X or x (Xbal) with the lower case letters signifying the presence of the restriction site. The results of this study indicated a high frequency of heterozygous allelic variant (PpXx) in PMW. However no significant association between ERG polymorphisms and alveolar bone resorption was observed. Therefore ERG polymorphisms may not be a genetic marker for the alveolar bone resorption in PMW.
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    In vivo study of a locally manufactured hydroxyapatite- based material as bone replacement material
    (Pusat Pengajian Sains Pergigian Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2004)
    Razak, Noor Hayati Abdul
    Samsudin, Ab. Rani Samsudin
    Omar, Nor Shamsuria
    The objective of the study is to evaluate the osteoconductive, osteoinductive and biocompatibility properties of a locally produced dense hydroxyapatite (HA) as bone replacement material in mandibles. The study was carried out on 8 New Zealand White rabbits. Defects were created in the mandible of a rabbit model whereby the right side was implanted with HA while the left side was left empty to act as a control. The dense HA blocks with the pore size of < 5J.1m promotes bone ingrowth as early as 4 weeks when viewed by the topographic method. Both the implant and control sites were evaluated clinically and histologically at 4, 12, 20, 22 weeks interval. Enhancement of osteoconduction was evident by the presence of abundant capillaries, perivascular tissue and osteoprogenitor cells of the host accounting for the new bone filling the gap and remodelling taking place. This study demonstrated that the dense HA exhibits excellent biocompatibility as noted by the complete absence of reactive cells. HA also promotes osteoconduction. It appears that this locally manufactured HA has the potential to be a valuable replacement material for maxillofacial reconstructive surgery and orthopaedic surgery.