Modelling and simulation of a robot manipulator using matlab/simulink and simmechanics

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Tan, Chee Way
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Research Projects
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Industrial robot is now one of the most flexible tools today. An industrial robot is comprised of a robot manipulator, power supply, and controllers. The purpose of the thesis is to simulate and analyze a robot manipulator by using CAD software solidwork 2009 and Matlab R2009a. Generally, the first process will be setup the model by drawing a robot manipulator using Solidworks software. After drawing the model, the model is imported from Solidworks to Matlab through SimMechanics link and SimMechanics model is automatically generated by Matlab. For simulating the robot maninpulator, motions of joint in SimMechanics block diagram part is controlling by Simulink block diagram part. Several inputs such as angular displacement, angular position and angular acceleration may set using Graphic User Interface (GUI) for controlling the robot manipulator. The characteristic studies here are the kinematic analysis and dynamic analysis of the manipulator using Simulink and SimMechanic. Program is written on M-file for analyzing forward and inverse kinematic and also interfacing the input from GUI to the Simulink model. For dynamic analysis, torque graph is generated when acceleration value is imported from GUI. Generally, kinematic simulations assists in evaluate form, whereas dynamic simulations assists in analyzing function. Finally, several simulations are performed. As a conclusion, this project is well success and the objective has been achieved.