Publication: 65nm CMOS bandgap voltage reference circuit
Low, Chee Weng
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Bandgap voltage reference is a circuit that produces a stable output reference voltage that is not affected by the variation of process, voltage and temperature (PVT). BGR is an essential and important component that is used in many applications such as power converters, flash memory controllers, PLL, LDO, A/D converters. In a bandgap voltage reference circuit, the output reference voltage is generated by the summation of two voltages (VPTAT and VCTAT) with opposite temperature coefficients. This voltage is then amplified and filtered to generate a stable output reference voltage that is relatively insensitive to the changes in process, temperature and supply voltage variations. In this project, TSMC 65nm CMOS Bandgap Voltage Reference Circuit is designed. A stable of output reference voltage of 1.23V with supply voltage of 2V is expected from the outcome of this project. Next, the phase margin of the two-stage operational amplifier should achieve larger than 45°. Temperature coefficient of the BGR should achieve lower than 30ppm/°C and power consumption lower than 300µW is expected. The workflow of this project starts from calculations of parameters of MOSFETs and passive components, schematic design of the two-stage operational amplifier and bandgap voltage reference circuits until pre-layout simulation of both schematic circuits. As the output from pre-layout simulations, the DC gain and phase margin of the op-amp achieve 73.04892dB and 84.63997° respectively while the output reference voltage recorded is 1.22847V ~ 1.23819V with 0.81% (± 10mV) of inconsistency for supply voltage from 2V to 4V. Next, temperature coefficient of 27.81ppm/°C is obtained for temperature ranging from
40°C to 125°C. Lastly, the power consumption of the BGR circuit is 298.1µW.