Pusat Pengajian Kejuruteraaan Elektrik dan Elektronik - Monograf


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  • Publication
    A Literature Study of Malaysia-Thailand Interconnection HVDC Transmission System
    Md Sharif, Ahmad Fikri
    High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) is a transmission system which is widely used all over the world whether through overhead cable or undersea cable. Converter station located between two-end lines have important impact in HVDC transmission system. It is important to evaluate converter station configuration before designing a converter station, so that the distortion and harmonic can be reduced. In this thesis, two converter station polarity commonly used that is monopole and bipolar is discussed. Next, the Graetz circuit arrangement that is 3-phase 2-way configuration is examined. The Graetz circuit is used in HVDC transmission system between Malaysia-Thailand, both in two converter stations at Gurun (Malaysia) and Khlong Ngae (Thailand). Several important parameters related to Graetz circuit has been proven in reducing harmonic. Finally, the technical specifications for HVDC transmission operation system between Malaysia-Thailand is examined
  • Publication
    A literature study of sabah sarawak peninsular Malaysia
    Loh, Swee Aun
    Nowadays, High voltage direct current (HVDC) is used to transmit large amounts of power over long distances or for interconnections between asynchronous grids and underwater or submarine transmission. It has become an integral part of the delivery of electricity in many countries throughout the world. This is because there are a number of advantages over AC transmission system in certain cases. The objectives of this literature survey are to study the application of HVDC and the reasons of using HVDC in transmission system. Some basic theories related to HVDC are also examined and analyzed in this survey. A case study on the Sabah/Sarawak-Peninsular Malaysia interconnection HVDC transmission system is discussed. This case study on the project is chosen because this transmission system will be the longest transmission system on the world and will benefit to Malaysia. This transmission system will launch in Malaysia soon. The analysis and discussion on the case study are done based on the theories studied.
  • Publication
    Trilateration method analysis on localised tracking for a target
    Tang, Chok Kim
    Existing researches on location tracking focus either entirely on indoor or entirely on outdoor by using different techniques. This project aims to implement trilateration method for object tracking both indoor and outdoor by using three wireless data transceivers as reference nodes and a spectrum analyzer as target. RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication) technique together with enhancement algorithms is proposed to cater this solution. The proposed RSSI based tracking technique is divided into two main phases, namely the calibration of RSSI coefficients (deterministic phase) and the distance along with position estimation of target location by iterative trilateration (probabilistic phase). Experiment measurements are carried out to analyze trilateration method in tracking an object. The results reveal the feasibility of these algorithms in designing target positioning system with acceptable offset.
  • Publication
    Pipeline microcontroller synthesizable design
    Zulkipli, Mohamad Izat Amir
    The objective of this project is to design and synthesize a pipeline microcontroller by using MentorGraphic EDA tool software such as Design Architect-IC, Modelsim and Leonardo Spectrum. Pipeline microcontroller is the microcontroller that provides parallel processing sequential order by using 3-stage pipeline design which separated into predecode stage, decode stage and execute stage. This microcontroller synthesizable design exposes the basic environment of how to studies and understanding the related VHDL codes with more further besides understanding more about behavior of the microcontroller and their functionality. The result and experiment has been conduct to the simulation results, schematic, and layout of the pipeline microcontroller. By mastering learning the synthesizable of 3-stage pipeline microcontroller, this project can proceed for the hardware design microcontroller.
  • Publication
    Design and simulation of mems capacitive accelerometer
    Mohamed Sherafath Ali, Muhammad Azhar
    Micromachining technology began to develop rapidly over 15 years ago, using materials and processes developed for the integrated circuit industry to form miniature structures in silicon and related materials for purposes other than electronic devices. MEMS is in some ways only an evolution and expansion of this technology. As the term “Micro Electro Mechanical System” suggests, MEMS technology relates most directly to sensors for mechanical variables, e.g. acceleration, pressure, etc. The advantages of low cost, miniaturization, electronic integration etc. available with MEMS technology has led to the development of micro scale sensors as an important commercial product. This project involves the design and simulation of an accelerometer by using MEMS software. Accelerometer is an inertial sensor that measures the acceleration or deceleration of a moving object. The accelerometer that will be designed in this project is of the variable gap type capacitive device. The accelerometer uses capacitance change due to acceleration force as the sensed parameter. The MEMS Software used to design the accelerometer is the CoventorWare 2008. CoventorWare 2008 supports both system-level and physical design approaches. The Architect tool uses the information in the MPD and process files during the top-down design simulation. A schematic model of the accelerometer was created. The dimensions of the accelerometer were defined as global variables. The schematic was simulated under various conditions by using Architect’s performance analyses. Plotting tools were used to view and measure results in several graphical formats. After refining and finalizing a design, the design was then transferred to 2-D layout using Layout Editor. For verification, a 3-D model was built, meshed and simulated using the Analyzer solvers. In this report, two analysis will be conducted which is the Architect Analysis and the Finite Element Method, or FEM Analysis. The results obtained from the Architect Analysis will be compared with the result obtained from Finite Element (FEM) Analysis. The accelerometer will detect high acceleration, g values up to 100g. Therefore, it can be used in automotive applications.