Publication: Development of robotic arm
Muhammad Khair, Muhammad Ikhmal
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This project presents a complete mechatronic approach in designing and developing a robotic arm that is an external part of the tree climbing robot for handling the induction technique by utilizing microcontrollers and embedded systems. The robotic arm developed is of three degrees of freedom (DOF) with revolute joints by using 3D printing method in fabrication. The robotic arm consists of base, shoulder and elbow. Two servo motors are utilized and attached to the robotic arm. The servo motors act as the driving module for the robotic arm that linked the parts and provide movement for the arm. The base plays an important role as a supporting module for the robotic arm in maintaining the stability. The end effector which is a DC mini motor that is connected to the elbow of the robotic arm performed a task that involved drilling a hole to a tree autonomously in a fixed interval. A complete logical technique in programming microcontrollers was developed which enabled smooth actuation of both the independent links simultaneously.