Publication: Ka-band up-converter design
Mohd Roslan, Norul Shahada
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This dissertation presents an approach of designing ka-band up-converter which is a combination between coupler, mixer and bandpass filter. The type of mixer that had been design is Branchline Mixer with a Schottky Barrier diode which is DMK2790. The filter and the mixer are designed at 38 GHz; while the mixer can be operate in the range of 26.5 GHz until 40 GHz. The reason of constructing the mixer is to develop an application in wireless and radar systems in Ka band frequency since most of the communications nowadays are congested in very high frequency (VHF) and ultra high frequency (UHF). The design for mixer and filter had been done by using Advanced Design System (ADS) software from Agilent Technology. The performance of the mixer simulation is focused based on different characteristics which are its conversion loss, RF/LO power and harmonics balance. After finishing fabricating, both of them were measured and the results were compared between the simulations and measurement results. Based on microstrip technology, the fabricated circuits sizes were approximately 2cm x 2 cm and made-up using Duroid pcb type. Although the new generation of Ka-band systems is built to support higher bandwidth at lower cost, there is still some problem associated with latency, the half-second delay created when signal travel to and from satellite. Various acceleration technologies mitigate the impact of that delay on protocols and some applications, but for anything that depends on real-time communications, particularly voice and Internet gaming, the satellite delay will be noticeable. The only way to know how applications will perform under high latency conditions isto test them. Based on the result the Ka-Band Up-Converter is successfully working at 38 GHz. Mixer and bandpass filter can be operated at 38GHz.