Pusat Pengajian Kejuruteraaan Elektrik dan Elektronik - Tesis


Recent Submissions

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  • Publication
    8 Bit Cmos Hybrid Digital-To-Analog Converter For Bluetooth Low Energy Application
    Rosli, Alia
    In the bluetooth low energy implementation, the digital-to-analog converters act as the bridge gap between digital signal processing chips, and power amplifiers that transmit analog signals. This thesis presents the design of a hybrid Digital-lo-Analog Converter( DAC) intended for RF transmitter in 2.45 GHz Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) application by using CMOS 180 nm technology. The hybrid DAC design strategy is based on iterative scheme whose variables are adjusted in a simple way, minimizing the power consumption as well as area and also meeting the design specifications.
  • Publication
    Intelligent Color Vision System For Ripeness Classification Of Oil Palm Fresh Fruit Bunch
    Fadilah, Norasyikin
    Ripeness classification of oil palm fresh fruit bunches (FFBs) during harvesting is important to ensure that they are harvested at the optimum stage for maximum oil production. Current harvesting methods based on observing the number of loose fruits on ground and the color of the fruits using human vision lead to subjective evaluation, laborious work, and low quality oil. Therefore, this research focuses on the development of an automated system with the ability to process the image of oil palm FFB and determine its ripeness category. The system consists of an image acquisition system, image processing component and oil palm FFB classification system. Images of oil palm FFBs of type DxP Yangambi are acquired using an IP camera which is attached to the end of a pole and connected to a computer via the RJ45 cable. The images are collected and analyzed using digital image processing techniques. k-means clustering algorithm is used to segment the image into two separate regions which are fruit and spike regions. Then, the color features of the fruit region are extracted from the images and used as inputs to an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model learning algorithm.
  • Publication
    An Efficient Surface Mapping Technique Using Laser Triangulation For Image Recontruction
    Tjio Hok Hoo
    An image acquisition system, which is used to capture 2-D images of object/scene for 3-D image reconstruction, is developed based on triangulation technique. The system consists of three devices, i.e. B/W CCO camera, laser diode and rotary table. These devices are placed in such a way that a triangle is formed. A grating line, which has a width of one pixel, is mounted in front of the laser diode. The purpose of the grating line is to project a stripe line on the surface of the object/scene. In this research, the positions of the camera and the laser diode are fixed. In order to acquire sufficient information for 3-D image reconstruction, the object/scene is rotated 360° about the azimuth of the rotary table. At every 15°, the rotary table is paused and a reflected image of the object is captured by the camera. Therefore, 24 different images are recorded in one complete rotation.
  • Publication
    An Experimental Study Of Oscillating Subboundary Layer Vortex Generators Application On A Wing'S Flap
    Hussin, Fauzi
    Flow control to suppress the boundary layer separation over the wmg can dramatically improve the performance of most aircraft in the take-off and lancling flight regime. Previous aerodynamic experiments and computations have indicated that unsteady excitation produced by the oscillating sub boundary layer vortex generators (SBVGs) can delay boundary layer separation and wing stall more effectively than steady flow perturbations generated by passive SBVGs. Preliminary aerodynamic experiments have been performed to evaluate the effects of both passive and oscillating SBVGs on the wing of Eagle 150B with a single slotted flap at deflection angle of 38°. Four sets of co rotating, delta shaped vane type SBVGs have been installed near to the leading edge of the flap. In addition, oscillating SBVGs were designed to oscillate in three different frequencies (0.5Hz, 1.2Hz and I. 7Hz). Baseline (No VGs), passive and oscillating SBVGs were tested at three different Reynolds numbers (Re=6.21 x lOS, Re=7.3xIOs and Re=8.4xIOs) and the aerodynamic characteristics were obtained using six-component balance instrument. For the baseline case (No VGs), its lift and drag characteristic at Reynolds number of 8.4x lOS and angle of attack of 26° varies with the theoretical data by 50% and 26.38%, respectively.
  • Publication
    Low Ripple Charge Pump Based Voltage Regulator For Low Voltage Application
    Lee Fu, New
    In power supply systems, charge pump circuits are typically cascaded with low dropout (LOO) regulator to suppress systematic noise and to provide low noise output. By providing lower output ripple voltage from charge pump circuit, input voltage ripple (noise) can be reduced first before it is fed into LOO and hence a more stable supply voltage can be generated from LOO. In this project, a new low voltage CMOS charge pump circuit which offers lower output ripple voltage is proposed. The newly proposed charge pump circuit is formed by the combination of cross-coupled charge pump circuit and the Charge-Transfer-Switch (CTS) control schemes. It has eliminated the backward leakage current of cross-couple charge pump circuit, which eventually gives smaller output ripple voltage and hence, a more stable output voltage.