Antena pintar

datacite.subject.fosoecd::Engineering and technology::Electrical engineering, Electronic engineering, Information engineering
dc.contributor.authorKhalid, Ahmad Khairol Azhani
dc.description.abstractThis project is about a developing an antena. It’s called smart antenna. This antenna has 6 patch element on it. Smart antenna having a wide angular range and high gain value that is 6 dBic. Smart antenna has a pattern that is not fixed, but adapts to the current radion conditions. The technique is a simple switching between predefined beams to optimum beamforming. This technique can decrease power loss because the beam is only be radiated toward the user only, the power radiated in other directions will be exprienced as interference by other users. Smart antenna will directing a beam toward the comunication partner only. Smart antena can increase the capacity, increase the range,prepare a new service, security and reduced multipath propagation. Smart antenna be designed as thin, compact, small and simple because it will be mounted on bullet train, ship and car roof.
dc.titleAntena pintar
dc.typeResource Types::text::report
dspace.entity.typePublication Sains Malaysia