Kajian pencemaran udara di kawasan Bandar Parit Buntar

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Ramli, Fauzi
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Research Projects
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Long time ago, pollution are not an important thing in our daily lifes. Even though is was not an issue in those times but in a few years back it was much talk about and is a hot issue. Pollution level in certain places are under control but at other places it is in a critical condition. Pollution problem is not only faced by developed country such as United States and Japan but also in countries that is developing. Fast paced developement especially after independence, polution is arising and in a worry state. With the increase of vehicles from year to year, air pollution has reach a serious state. To encounter this problem, for example, developed countries have change the use of petrol and diesel to battery as energy for vehicles. This is one of the steps taken to reduce pollution and to change the use of petrol that is depleting. Therefore, this report discuss a few things about pollution and will focus on air pollution in Parit Buntar. Furthermore, this report also disscusses on source of pollutions, it’s effects and mitigation steps taken to induce pollution. It is hoped that this report will give a good overview about pollution especially in Parit Buntar,Perak.