Pusat Pengajian Kejuruteraan Awam - Monograf


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  • Publication
    Steel bridge design
    Saad, Noor Aida , Ab Wahab, Mahyun , Ibrahim, Noor Azzali
    Design of a bridge that using trusses to transfer the load to the embankment. The architecture concept is all about a bone of a dinosaur that have mention as the superstructure. In this context, we are relating the bone of the primate in the dinosaur era which has the ability to support its own weight. The massive bones of this creature are unique primarily when we refer to its backbones. The engineering concept that have we use is arch bridge. The trusses in the middle of the bridge will take the load and transfer it to the embankment. To make sure that the arch is stable we are using some more trusses to pull the arch to the piers. By using only steel as our materials, we do not have a lot of options to do. The arch and the trusses are using double C beams as the materials. Hence, the beams are using I beams. The problem of our design is the tensile in the trusses that pull the arch to the piers are high and the beams that are allowable to use are small. To solve this problem, we choose to make the length between the pier and the arch shorter than before to reduce the tensile and we use some series of arch below the bridge to make sure that the bridge can stand. So, by design this bridge we think that it is not an easy work to do as an engineer. We have to looking for all factors to make sure that our bridge will be build successfully.
  • Publication
    Penggunaan proses penentuan air larian dalam manual saliran mesra alam (msma)
    Abdul Aziz, Nur Amalina
    This research was done with the aim to design a stormwater runoff treatment process with the aid of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) application. The review is to study the Best Management Practices (BMP) system for stormwater management. The two different method, which are the application of the Urban Stormwater Management Manual for Malaysia (MSMA) and ICT are capable of inventing an effective method to produce runoff water with the quality almost the same as with unpolluted runoff. The research was conducted limited only to areas with less than 80 acres which covers on-site areas and community areas. The process and treatment method applied in this research emphasize on safety issue and pollution problems that usually occurs. Recently, evaluation in terms of runoff water quality are more emphasized compared to the quantity which are to be brought out by the authority in 2005 (Abustan. I, 2001). Hence, the runoff water quality are more emphasized in every removal method. The three main menus which will be presented in this research is a recombined process capable of achieving the objective to remove the pollutants effectively and with a maximum result.
  • Publication
    Kajian penjanaan perjalanan lalulintas Taman Pekaka di Seberang Perai Selatan, Pulau Pinang
    Mohd. Hashim, Hazrul
    This report discusses and presents the result of a research entitled ‘Trip generation Study in Taman Pekaka’ at Seberang Prai Selatan, Pulau Pinang. Study was carried out on every entering and exiting trip at the site. Data were collected on two types of day; a weekday and a public holiday. Methods used were; manual classified counts and through questionnaire. These two methods were used in order to establish the trips pattern and also to identify the peak hours of the flow. Questionnaire with residence were conducted especially to get the correlation between travel characteristics and the pattern of trips. Generally, the research shows that the amount of trip generation on the weekday is higher compared to the public holiday. Similar were also found for link haoses which was higher than other development both the public holiday and the weekday. The reason for this finding is discussed in the report. This research has also contributed to updating the Malaysian Trip Generation Manual especially for traffic in Taman Pekaka. Only one independent variable was identified, which is the number of house unit such as link houses, shop houses and semi-D houses. This research has achieved its objectives of providing addition data for the Malaysian Trip generation Manual while establishing the much valued trip pattern and travel bahaviour of Taman Pekaka users.
  • Publication
    Kajian pencemaran udara di kawasan Bandar Parit Buntar
    Ramli, Fauzi
    Long time ago, pollution are not an important thing in our daily lifes. Even though is was not an issue in those times but in a few years back it was much talk about and is a hot issue. Pollution level in certain places are under control but at other places it is in a critical condition. Pollution problem is not only faced by developed country such as United States and Japan but also in countries that is developing. Fast paced developement especially after independence, polution is arising and in a worry state. With the increase of vehicles from year to year, air pollution has reach a serious state. To encounter this problem, for example, developed countries have change the use of petrol and diesel to battery as energy for vehicles. This is one of the steps taken to reduce pollution and to change the use of petrol that is depleting. Therefore, this report discuss a few things about pollution and will focus on air pollution in Parit Buntar. Furthermore, this report also disscusses on source of pollutions, it’s effects and mitigation steps taken to induce pollution. It is hoped that this report will give a good overview about pollution especially in Parit Buntar,Perak.
  • Publication
    Kajian ketepatan meter air mengikut jangka hayat meter
    Oo, Wah Tong
    Penang Water Supply Corporation Private Limited has taken a few measures to improve its efficiency in the management of water supply. Several new departments and sections have been set up to handle some problems in water supply management. One of the newly formed sections, Water Lost Control Section under the Strategic Planning Department, is to handle the problem of non-revenue water (NRW). Among the strategies that have been taken to reduce the rate of NRW is the study regarding the contribution of meters inaccuracies in the water supply system to NRW so that a new policy and programme on meter change can be implemented to improve the overall accuracies of meters in the water supply system. For this purpose, a computerised meter testing programme has been carried out for meters recovered from premises of consumers through daily disconnections of water supply. From the meters tested, data concerning meter errors at several critical flow rates have been collected for a period of eight months. With further analysis of the data, the most economic meter change out period based on local water quality, consumption flow rate and water tariff structure has been established. Among the results obtained after thorough analysis of data collected are as follows:  Contribution of meter inaccuracy of 15 mm PSM meters to NRW is 2.3% for Penang Island.  The most economic life span of 15 mm PSM meter is five years. The conclusions that can be drawn from this study is that meter accuracy deteriorates with service life and the percentage error of meter in recording flow is higher at low flow rate compare with high flow rate.