Steel bridge design

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Saad, Noor Aida , Ab Wahab, Mahyun , Ibrahim, Noor Azzali
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Design of a bridge that using trusses to transfer the load to the embankment. The architecture concept is all about a bone of a dinosaur that have mention as the superstructure. In this context, we are relating the bone of the primate in the dinosaur era which has the ability to support its own weight. The massive bones of this creature are unique primarily when we refer to its backbones. The engineering concept that have we use is arch bridge. The trusses in the middle of the bridge will take the load and transfer it to the embankment. To make sure that the arch is stable we are using some more trusses to pull the arch to the piers. By using only steel as our materials, we do not have a lot of options to do. The arch and the trusses are using double C beams as the materials. Hence, the beams are using I beams. The problem of our design is the tensile in the trusses that pull the arch to the piers are high and the beams that are allowable to use are small. To solve this problem, we choose to make the length between the pier and the arch shorter than before to reduce the tensile and we use some series of arch below the bridge to make sure that the bridge can stand. So, by design this bridge we think that it is not an easy work to do as an engineer. We have to looking for all factors to make sure that our bridge will be build successfully.