Determination of abnormal sperm from seminal sample

datacite.subject.fosoecd::Engineering and technology::Electrical engineering, Electronic engineering, Information engineering::Electrical and electronic engineering
dc.contributor.authorChuah, Seew Lang
dc.description.abstractThis project presents a computer-aided image analysis for evaluating rat’s sperm head morphology from seminal sample in static image. Classification the normal sperms from the abnormal sperms is an important subject in semen fertility studies as abnormal semen suspected of having low semen fertility. Such semen assessment is a keystone in the clinical workup of infertile male patients and artificial insemination processes that carried out through in vitro. Normalized RG color space with explicitly defined color model and region growing used to extract the segment of sperm regions and distinguish the sperm from the background of image as a preliminary step in this sperm detection system. Closing Filter is used to reduce the small inward bumps and small holes within the segmented sperm. Filter techniques are applied as edge enhancement for sharpen and smooth the edges of image. For the shape recognition state, correlation coefficient with rotation of template is used to detect and evaluate the abnormality of the sperm head.
dc.titleDetermination of abnormal sperm from seminal sample
dc.typeResource Types::text::report
dspace.entity.typePublication Sains Malaysia