Analisis Lakuan Bahasa Tahniah Dalam Bahasa Melayu Di Facebook

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Muhammad Irahim, Nur Hamimah
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This study aims to analyze the behavior of congratulatory speech acts in the comment section in Malay by Malay Facebook users. The objective of this study was to identify and describe the expressions that expressed as congratulatory speech acts in the comment section in Malay on Facebook. This study has used Searle's (1976) speech acts theory theoretically to discuss congratulatory speech acts by Malay Facebook users.The main selection of this study focused on Facebook communication medium because Facebook is a social media that used by account owners to share joy and information in general. From a methodological aspect, this study uses an online ethnographic approach that uses observation and interview methods. The results showed a generalization of the tendency of Malay Facebook users who use the word congratulations as a natural action of each speaker towards a news or happy event. The words of congratulations present in each response expression indicate that every sharing of congratulations or happy events must be preceded by saying congratulations among Malays including Facebook users. Malay Facebook users used the collocation of congratulatory words with other greetings, such as prayers, advice, jokes and so on. Congratulations collocations are categorized into forms of combined speech acts, such as combinations of expressive speech acts with other expressive speech acts, combinations of expressive speech acts with representative speech acts and combinations of expressive speech acts with directive speech acts.
Bahasa Tahniah , Facebook