Pusat Pengajian Ilmu Kemanusiaan - Tesis


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  • Publication
    Analisis Sirah Nabi Saw Dalam Buku Teks Pendidikan Islam Tingkatan Satu Di Malaysia Berdasarkan Manhaj Al-muḥaddithīn
    Kadir, Fadzlan Abd
    Visual dialogue dataset, i.e. VisDial v1.0 includes a wide range of Microsoft Common Objects in Context (MSCOCO) image contents and collected questions via a crowdsourcing marketplace platform (i.e. Amazon Mechanical Turk). The use of existing question history and images no longer contributes to a better understanding of the image context as they do not cover the entire image semantic context. This research proposes the DsDial dataset, which is a context-aware visual dialogue that groups all relevant dialogue histories extracted based on their respective MSCOCO image categories. This research also exploits the overlapping visual context between images via adaptive relevant dialogue history selection during new dataset generation based on the groups of all relevant dialogue histories. It is half of 2.6 million question-answer pairs. Meanwhile, this research proposes Diverse History-Dialog (DS-Dialog) to resolve the missing visual semantic information for each image via context-aware visual attention. The context-aware visual attention includes the question-guided and relevant-dialoguehistory- guided visual attention modules to get the relevant visual context when both have achieved great confidence. The qualitative and quantitative experimental results on the VisDial v1.0 and DsDial datasets demonstrate that the proposed DS-Dialog not only outperforms the existing methods, but also achieves a competitive results by contributing to a better visual semantic extraction. DsDial dataset has proven its significance on LF model as compared to VisDal v1.0. Overall quantitative results show that DS-Dialog with DsDial dataset has achieved the best test scores for recall@1, recall@5, recall@10, mean rank, MRR, and NDCG respectively.
  • Publication
    Algoritma-Algoritma Sistem Maklumat Geografi (GIS) Bagi Pengiraan Kecerunan: Kesan-Kesannya Terhadap Anggaran Hasilan Endapan Air Larian Permukaan
    Sim, Bee Lan
    Tesis ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kesan-kesan pengaruh algoritma pengiraan kecuraman cerun terhadap anggaran hasilan endapan. Kajian ini telah dijalankan di Lembangan Saliran Sg. Air Terjun di Daerah Timur Laut Pulau Pinang.
  • Publication
    Penterjemahan Bahasa Mandarin Kepada Bahasa Melayu: Kajian Padanan Kata Kerja Dalam Cerpen Pilihan Sastera Mahua III : Dalam Hujan Renyai
    Goh, Sang Seong
    Tesis ini mengkaji padanan kata kerja dalam terjemahan antologi cerpen bahasa Mandarin-bahasa Melayu. Antologi berkenaan berjudul Cerpen Pilihan Sastera Mahua III:Dalam HUjan Renyai. Kajian ini bertujuan meneliti ketepatan makna padanan kata kerja dan pengaruh latar belakang enam (6) orang penterjemah yang berlainan terhadap penterjemahannya serta menganalisis strategi-strategi penterjemahan yang diamalkan oleh setiap penterjemah.
  • Publication
    Salasilah Atau Tarekh Kerajaan Kedah Sebagai Sumber Pensejarahan Kedah Awal Abadke-20
    Kamaruddin, Aisyah
    Berbanding Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa (HA1M) dan At-Tarikh Salasilah Negeri Kedah (ATSNK), teks Salasilah atau Tarekh Kerajaan Kedah (STKK) karangan Wan Yahya Wan Mahamad Taib pada tahun 1911 di Alor Setar seringkali diabaikan kewujudannya oleh pengkaji sejarah. Rujukan terhadap teks ini amat kurang malah kajian menyeluruh terhadap teks ini belum benar-benar dilakukan. Hal ini menyebabkan kepentingan teks ini sebagai sumber sejarah Kedah dekad pertama abad ke-20 belum benar-benar diterokai. Walhal, sumber ini amat sarat dengan maklumat tentang salasilah sultan-sultan Kedah, pembukaan negeri, peristiwa ketibaan Islam, peranan para pembesar, perkahwinan diraja, kemangkatan raja, peperangan dengan negara luar, sistem pentadbiran dan hubungan diplomatik dengan negara luar. Menariknya, berbeza dengan HMM yang banyak mencampuraduk metos dengan realiti sejarah, atau ATSNK yang melihat raja sebagai manusia yang paling sempurna, teks Salasilah atau Tarekh Kerajaan Kedah (STKK) nampaknya memilih jalan yang lebih menghampiri sifat sejarah moden berhubung dengan fakta yang dipersembahkan. Tanpa mitos, dan memilih untuk bersikap terbuka dalam pengkisahan tentang perkembangan politik dan pemerintahan di negeri itu, teks ini menggalurkan perkembangan sejarah Kedah tanpa berselindung di sebalik tabir 'daulat dan derhaka' yang menjadi landasan penceritaan dalam HMM dan ATSNK.
  • Publication
    Exploring The Postmodern Multiple Subjectivity In Selected Works Of Malaysian Prose Fiction In English
    Yakin, Haryasindra Mohd.
    The focus of this study is to examine the representation of the postmodern multiple subjectivity in the works of a few contemporary Malaysian writers. The concept of the postmodern multiple subjectivity comprises of two other concepts which are the concept of the double (Freud, 1919) and the concept of the protean self by Lifton (1993). The writers that comprise the corpus of this study include Karim Raslan, Dina Zaman, Tash Aw, Zen Cho, Sharmilla Ganesan and Angeline Woon to explore the dynamism of the postmodern self in responding to the challenges brought about by the social and cultural changes that have taken place due to globalisation, transnationalism and diaspora. This research also endeavours to study a group of vibrant and contemporary Malaysian writers whose mode of writing reflects a break away from the nationalistic fervour, local and communal sentiments shown by Malaysian writers in the years preceding the 21st century. These new writers approach issues of the self and identities in a much broader sense, mirroring a postmodern outlook in their works as a result of the influences of technological developments, sophisticated interconnectivity of communications and free movements of people across the globe.