Pusat Pengajian Ilmu Kemanusiaan - Tesis


Recent Submissions

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  • Publication
    "Holff's Philosophical Anarchism - An Analysis"
    Tan Kuan Aw
    This thesis begins with an Introduction which briefly describes the two basic theses of Wolff's position. Firstly, Wolff argues that political authority cannot be justified on moral grounds because there lS an irresolvable conflict between political authority and autonomy - man's fundamental moral duty. Secondly, he argues that no political theory can succeed in resolving this problem and in particular classical / democratic theory has failed to do so. Hence Wolff concludes that political authority must be rejected and anarchism is the only conclusion left for a rational man.
  • Publication
    English Error Analysis Of Written English Of Chinese Students In A Malaysian Secondary School : A Case Study
    Margery Lim Phek Chu
    The objective s of this study were to identify the written errors produced by a group of Chinese learners of English as a second language, trace the sources of these errors and offer plausible explanantions for their occurrence.
  • Publication
    Optimization Of Optical And Radar Satellite Data In Google Earth Engine For Monitoring Oil Palm Changes In Tropical River Basins
    Zeng, Ju
    Accurate mapping of oil palm plantations is crucial for planning agricultural best management practices. Google Earth Engine (GEE), a cloud-based computing platform, allowing users to process multi-source satellite images more quickly and effectively. In fact, it is difficult to distinguish oil palm from other crops using only optical satellites due to the issue of cloud cover in tropical regions. Unfortunately, there is only little scientific understanding about how various satellite images within GEE can be helpful for mapping oil palm plantations. Hence, this study aims to determine the optimal combination of open-source optical and radar satellite data for mapping oil palm plantations in tropical river basins using the Muda River Basin (MRB) and the Johor River Basin (JRB) as test sites. First, the two machine learning classifiers available in GEE, random forest (RF) and support vector machine (SVM), were compared to identify which is the most effective classifier for mapping oil palm plantations. Then, eight different data combinations have been constructed from the satellite images and indices such as C-band Sentinel-1, L-band PALSAR2, Landsat8, Sentinel-2, topographic, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI), etc. Lastly, the optimal data combination was employed to project future oil palm distribution using the CA-Markov approach. The findings demonstrate that RF outperformed SVM in mapping oil palm plantations in both river basins.
  • Publication
    Isu Kashmir Dalam Hubungan India Dan Pakistan ( 1960 - 1972)
    Aidil Adzhar Bin Abu Samah
    Kajian ini bertujuan memaparkan gambaran sebenar mengenai sejarah hubungan India dan Pakistan antara tahun 1960 hingga 1972. Hubungan di antara kedua-dua buah negara berjiran ini yang berteraskan kepada agama Islam dan Hindu secara realitinya tidak pemah aman damai jika pokok persoalan adalah berhubung kait dengan isu Kashmir. Manakala kedudukan Kashmir sendiri sebagai wilayah umat Islam sebenamya turut memainkan peranan besar dalam mencorakkan hala tuj u kedua-dua negara. Hal ini terjadi kerana masing-masing saling menuntut kepentingan di Kashmir atas alasan tersendiri yang sekaligus menyebabkan berlakunya pergolakan di wilayah tersebut. Selain itu, dalam tempoh kajian juga telah memperlihatkan usaha-usaha yang dilakukan oleh pemimpin tertinggi di kedua-dua buah negara bagi meredakan ketegangan berhubung isu Kashmir.
  • Publication
    Penterjemahan Metafora Dalam Rentung Dan Srengenge: Satu Analisis Hasil Terjemahan
    Abdul Rahman Bin Mandali
    Tesis ini menelusuri aspek pemindahan makna dalam penterjemahan metafora yang terdapat dalam dua teks kesusasteraan Melayu iaitu Rentung dan Srengenge karya Shahnon Ahmad yang telah diterjemahkan ke bahasa Inggeris oleh Harry Aveling di bawah tajuk Rope of Ash dan Srengenge.