Pengelog data untuk multi-meter digital

datacite.subject.fosoecd::Engineering and technology::Electrical engineering, Electronic engineering, Information engineering
dc.contributor.authorLai, Thiam Hee
dc.description.abstractA normal multimeter is used to measure the voltage and current of certain circuits and also the resistance across certain lines. As the world of electronics evolves, multimeter evolved from analog to digital. But how to incoporate the data measured from a digital multimeter into a computer? The answer to the above question is the datalogger of the digital multimeter. The datalogger is connected into the digital multimeter so that the data measured can be stored into its memory. Before the era of datalogger, some latest digital multimeters have serial interface ready. By linking the interface to the computer, one can get the recording of oscilloscope for slow signals. On the downside, the computer has to be present at the measurement location, and left running all the time. Besides, the digital multimeter occupies the serial port during the entire measurement. These disadvantages certainly points to wastage of computer resources. The datalogger designed will be free of these disadvantages. It can automatically captures the discrete measurement values supplied by the digital multimeter and puts them into permanent storage. When the need arises, the contents of the datalogger will then be downloaded into computer for data manipulation.
dc.titlePengelog data untuk multi-meter digital
dc.typeResource Types::text::report
dspace.entity.typePublication Sains Malaysia